7 thoughts on “Nana news.”

  1. That sounds like good news! It sounds like she’s someone who has the inner strength and determination necessary to make a good recovery.

  2. Glad to hear it. Any hope she’ll actually listen to the doctors & let the thing heal properly this time?

  3. That sounds like good news.

    Now, y’all get the fun chore of keeping Nana to her walker and cane.


    Good luck with that.

  4. While we expected nothing less it’s still good to get confirmation.

  5. 2 weeks in bed? Yeah, that’ll happen. My almost grandfather-in-law, who died 2 years before the wedding at almost 100 years of age, was known as Houdini in his retirement home. Didn’t matter how they restrained him, when he wanted to go walkabout he’d figure a way to get out of bed, and out of restraints….

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