I find myself missing the old ‘Search All Blogs’ button found at the top of the Old Blogger pages.
The blog search page at the main Google page just flat doesn’t work as well.
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Tell me about it!!!
A long sigh!
It’s a commie pinko liberal plot!!!!!!
Here’s a hint, Bro. ‘Dawg:
Using Google, you can type “site:blogspot.com search words” (replacing “search words” with your own term).
Google will only search the site you specify.
I use Firefox as a browser, and I do that in the Firefox search box whenever I’m looking for something at a particular site.
Good one!! LOL!!
Using Google, you can type “site:blogspot.com search words” (replacing “search words” with your own term).
Google will only search the site you specify.
There are times when I want Blogger to show all the blogs with the search word I’ve used, in particular with local blogs when I post a memorial and others do the same. I like to give those bloggers a mention, even if they’re not one of my daily reads, so others can obtain info that I may have missed.
When I was forced to switch to the new version of Blogger, that’s one of the first things I noticed and I think they need to change it back! Why fix what ain’t broken?
I should have added this note: I’ve googled “site:thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com” when I wanted to find a particular story.
Works quite well!