6 thoughts on “That’s interesting”

  1. Here’s a hint, Bro. ‘Dawg:

    Using Google, you can type “site:blogspot.com search words” (replacing “search words” with your own term).

    Google will only search the site you specify.

    I use Firefox as a browser, and I do that in the Firefox search box whenever I’m looking for something at a particular site.

  2. Using Google, you can type “site:blogspot.com search words” (replacing “search words” with your own term).

    Google will only search the site you specify.

    There are times when I want Blogger to show all the blogs with the search word I’ve used, in particular with local blogs when I post a memorial and others do the same. I like to give those bloggers a mention, even if they’re not one of my daily reads, so others can obtain info that I may have missed.

    When I was forced to switch to the new version of Blogger, that’s one of the first things I noticed and I think they need to change it back! Why fix what ain’t broken?

  3. I should have added this note: I’ve googled “site:thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com” when I wanted to find a particular story.

    Works quite well!

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