By way of Mark

Gentle Reader Mark has forwarded a head’s up notice regarding Ladies Action Shooting Camp.

Training is vital — even more so when guns are involved — however, when it comes to the distaff side of the species, I sometimes wonder if they’re getting a bit short-changed.

Most trainers are men, and though they do their best, let’s face it: outstanding trainer though he is, Louis Awerbuck has probably never worn a little black dress and high-heels with matching clutch in his life.

There is an entire world — hell, universe — that you ladies inhabit and deal with on a daily basis that I, and every other man out there, have never experienced and never will.

A camp or school taught by women shooters for women is bound to cover some stuff that would never cross our male minds.

I thoroughly recommend that any of my lady readers who are shooters, or considering becoming a shooter, check out this camp or one similar to it.

It will only help.


"Weel done, Cutty Sark!"

11 thoughts on “By way of Mark”

  1. Rant on:
    That’s the pbroblem, right there!

    Ladies DON’T think like men & men DON’t think like ladies. STOP expecting the other to do so!
    Rant off:

  2. As a (male)gun-nube, I can tell ya that it took me over a year of reading G&A before I found an article that deigned to explained the difference between ‘auto’ & ‘semi-auto’. It about drove me ’round-a-bend with frustration!
    Then I discovered a great little magazine called “Women&Guns” and found they explained things more thoroughly and w/o the pervasive assumptions built into the big male-dominated gun mags. Women simply come to the topic from a different point of view and I found it very helpful to ‘listen in’ on their approach. (Tho I still don’t have a clue what the heck a ‘carbine’ is or how it’s different from a regular rifle? Apparently women aren’t into carbines and men are supposed to know what they are via some sort of testosterone driven osmosis which I’m obviously immune to.)
    Butt, anywho… three cheers for women teaching women. I think it’s a great idea cuz one of the few things I’ve learned in my many years iz that men don’t know diddly about women. (and the men who think they do know diddly, are almost always lonely ol’bachellors!)LOL

    Love the blog LD.
    Take care,

  3. Re: n sa.

    A carbine is similar to a rifle, only shorter. Usually using rifle ammunition(such as with the M4 carbine, which is basically a shrunken M16.) Though occasionally there’s over-grown submachine guns that are carbines, for example there’s an UZI carbine(which is semi-automatic.)

  4. I had our firearms instructor and another officer take me to the range one day. At first I thought they were just trying to make me feel good but apparently I can shoot better than half the guys on the department.
    All was going well until the instructors teenage son decided to check out the gun in his Sheriffs Patrol jeep. A second before I fired my gun I heard “blam”… humm thats wierd, the gun fired before I pulled the trigger…NOT
    His son shot a hole through the dash of the jeep. Luckily the firewall stopped the bullet from going into the engine.

  5. Once upon a time, I was sitting in a pickup driven by my Superior Marksman father and my husband (ego-driven, but what man isn’t?)I shot at a jackrabbit, missed it, but hit the barbed wire between me and the truck. My father said, “Bet you can’t do that again.” Never challenge The Redhead. I didn’t know if I could, but I was bound to try. Wonder of wonders, I did it.
    My husband didn’t speak to me for a week.
    Nope, men don’t think like ladies-not shoot like them…..

  6. LawDog ~

    Thanks for that post. 🙂

    One of these days I’m going to attend one of the Babes With Bullets camps, preferably one of the ones that features Lisa Munsen. She led one of FAS’ Women’s Study Groups last year, and now I’m a fan. She’s a fun person, a good teacher, and an excellent shot. It was an awesome day.

    n ~

    There’s a new shooters’ glossary over on my site that might help you some: here

  7. LD – THANK you. As soon as I have some vacation time free, I’m going to go to one of these!

    I think the combination of ‘range time and pajama party’ will be a hoot LOL.

  8. more on carbines:

    a “carbine” tends to be a “short rifle”, as compared to “full length” rifles of the same time. but “full length” in a rifle has been on a downwards trend for a long time now. what was considered a “carbine” back near the end of the 19th century was often longer than a “full size” rifle of today.

    the famous British Enfield rifle (the SMLE) of the early-through-mid 20th century was officially termed a “short” rifle when introduced. i do believe it’s considerably longer than the “full size” M16’s which the U.S. army is currently giving up for the M4, largely precisely because that M4 is shorter and handier.

    somewhere, some day there will be confusion as to what the difference between a carbine and a pistol is supposed to be. maybe another thirty years, i’d guess.

  9. Speaking as an assistant hunter-ed instructor, we much prefer teaching women . . . they actually listen to the instructors.

    We have only failed one or two women, and always because she got so flustered that she didn’t even know which way was up and did something that was an auto-fail. (usually she passed the retest because the pressure was off.)

    The men, OTOH . . . the ones that tell us “I know all about guns because I was in the army/airforce/marines/cops . . .” I don’t think we’ve had one with that attitude pass yet (no, we’re not playing games, they don’t listen and blow it big).

    The veterans or police that don’t make a big deal about it usually aren’t a problem either, but the braggarts are always incompetent.

    –Webfoot Logger

  10. LawDog,

    Back in 2000, Kay Miculek whooped my bottom in a man-on-man competition at the American Handgunner World Shootoff, my first major match. In 2003, Kay announced the first Ladies’ Camp at the USPSA National Championship. I signed up. She then caught me at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas and told me I had better be at the camp. It was some of the best advice I listened to. I’ve been to two of the camps now at Princeton, LA. My shooting skills improved dramatically, shaving 10-15 seconds off a typical stage run.

    The camps are focused on competition, but the skills transfer readily to the everyday life, both on the range and elsewhere. The group is close and supportive. Everyone coaches each other with regard to what we learned.

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