Jim Zumbo

Some of my Gentle Readers may remember that, after the Great Zumbo Debacle, Denny Hansen (editor of SWAT magazine) offered to sponsor Jim Zumbo through an AR15 course, if the write-up of the experience would be published in SWAT.

Zumbo has just finished a course under Pat Rogers.

The write-up will be in the August issue of SWAT magazine, on newsstands July 17, and shipped to subscribers June 26.

If you want to get the issue early, there’s a SWAT link to the left, feel free to subscribe.

I’d like to take this moment to thank Denny Hansen and Rich Lucibella. I hope — indeed, I pray — that this will have done a great deal to offset the damage done to the Second Amendment by Mr. Zumbo’s unthinking comments.

Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you very much.


Old, old joke.
Why is this news?

8 thoughts on “Jim Zumbo”

  1. This doesn’t have anything to do with Zumbo. We have had limited Internet for the past couple weeks due to phone problems. Our phone is phinally phixed, so allow me to congratulate you, belatedly, on your marriage. May you and Mrs. Dog have many happy returns, and may all your puppies be healthy.

  2. Excuse me?

    What? Where? Who?

    How the hell much did I have drink last night?

    Wife? Puppies?

    I want witnesses! DNA! Taht wsn’t me, it was my evil twin, Skippy!


  3. You got a wife? How come he got a wife? All I got was this stupid stick, sounds like it’s raining.

  4. Wife???!! I know there was something to that whole ‘tie-wearin’ thing…but married?? CONGRATS ‘Dawg!!! CONGRATS Mrs Dawg! WOOHOO!! Dawg done got hisself hitched! :supergrin:


  5. Well to set things back on track Zumbo’s Head on a pike as a warning to future FUDD traitors was and I still the only proper response to his actions. Nugent be danged.NEVER FREAKING AGAIN!!!!!

  6. Publishing the Zumbo AR course writeup in SWAT is nice noise – for the choir. The audience that needs this message is the Field & Stream or Outdoor Life kind of people.

    If they can get this message distributed there, THEN, MAYBE he can undo his damage.

    — His Amishness

  7. This is so good because I wanted to know more about "Jim Zumbo" and this was the correct site, thanks for provide us this information.m1m0

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