
Deep breaths.

Okay, Gentle Readers, I am tentatively scheduled for a Internet radio interview at the midnight between Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11. Local time.

The address is here.

I reserve the right to drop the handset and run shrieking like a little girl — matter-of-fact, I’ll probably do the entire show from the safety of under the bed.


It looks like there will be opportunities to call in during the segment.


ps: Yes, I sound like Alvin the Chipmunk. On speed. After breathing helium.

Sorry, but that’s the way it is.


Tactical advice
I am not married

8 thoughts on “Okey-doke”

  1. You’ll be just fine…

    I’m really looking forward to your interview, LD. πŸ™‚

  2. Yup, we’re all goin’ to point ‘n laugh and loose all respect for you.



  3. Oh please tell me we’ll be able to listen to the show at a later time, or download it or something! I can never figure out what time of day it is on your side of the world…and I’d really like to hear this. You’ll do just fine, I bet … just breathe πŸ™‚

  4. Valerian the show can be listened to after it’s done, and when youposted it was 9:46 pm over here, so adjust your time to that.

  5. Oh please tell me we’ll be able to listen to the show at a later time, or download it or something! I can never figure out what time of day it is on your side of the world

    I am planning to record the interview and make it available for download to anyone interested. I am sure I can get LD to post a link to it on his blog.

  6. Do we get to call in and ask about his Bugs Bunny t-shirt? Or if he’s evicted anymore ghosts? πŸ˜‰

  7. The heck with the Bugs Bunny T-shirt – I wanna hear the rest of the Pink Gorilla Suit story!!!

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