Kee riced all my tea.

This little site is all over the sodding Internet by now, although I was first made aware of it by Lady Tam.

Apparently, some police officers are a wee bit upset by some perceived ill-treatment by their fellow officers and have decided to — and this is the only accurate way to put this — whinge about it.

The majority of the alleged mistreatment is the utter and complete horror of receiving traffic citations for violating the traffic code — from what I can see intentionally and knowingly so most times — while off-duty.


Once you swear in and accept that badge, you are — you must be — held to a higher standard.

If you can not accept this simple statement of fact, you need to find another job — period. Full stop. End of story.

To engage in behavior that you would seek to punish anyone else for, and then expect to commit the exact same act with impunity is arrogance in the extreme — not to mention immoral.

We — as peace officers — are not better than our fellow citizens, nor are we worse than our fellow citizens. We are not more equal, nor less equal, than our fellows, nor are we a better or lesser ‘class’ than they — and to consider otherwise does a great dis-service to our profession and to the citizens relying on us.

In order to do our jobs — to follow our calling — we must have the support of our fellow citizens. Those under our protection must know, in their blood and in their bones, that we are fair; they must know that the person entrusted with that badge is worthy of being entrusted with the rights of their fellow citizens, of being entrusted with the freedoms of their fellow citizens; that we can be trusted with the truth; and that we can be trusted with the awesome powers and responsibilities that our fellow citizens have given us.

We must hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Nobody trusts arrogance and hubris.

And arrogance and hubris is all that I see at that site.

It is sheer arrogance to believe that you have the right to break the very laws that you arrest others for.

It is hubris to believe that you are entitled to privileges that you deny others because of what you do. Yes, we have a dangerous job. So do convenience store clerks — except they don’t get to wear armour, or shoot back; they deal with some of the worst of the public without back-up and they make less than we do.

It is arrogant in the extreme to call other officers your ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ and then deliberately violate the law in their presence — forcing them to wrestle with their conscience and their mores as to how to respond; only to curse them when they follow the law as they are sworn to do.

I swore to conserve the peace, uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Texas; and to impartially enforce the law.


Expecting me to become an oath-breaker in the name of kin — indeed, demanding that I do so –is not the act of family.

It is the act of a critter.

That’s my final word on that subject.


Family history -- and mysteries

63 thoughts on “Kee riced all my tea.”

  1. I knew you were one of the good guys before I read this but you have cemented that fact in my mind. Integrity and honor, these are good things.

    And to echo PDB, it’s good to hear but a shame it had to be said.

    Thank you for your service to the United States and the State of Texas.

  2. When I was working security in st. Louis, many other Security Officers played on the fact that they/we are also considered LEO’s, we had the power of arrest depending on the contract we had the power to enforce traffic and parking laws, and when working a federal contract we could run “Code” in company vehicles with lights and sirens. Many S.O.’s would use this as an excuse for blowing lights, speeding, parkng anywhere they felt like and in general driving like idiots. I got pulled over once in a company vehicle with a broken speedometer, I took the ticket, I didn’t ask for any favoritism, I just took the ticket, then took the car to the shop to get an invoice showing the speedometer was broken and then repaired, which I then took to court. My ticket was voided and I had to pay court costs, which the company re-imbursed me for. I never expected special treatment nor did I want it. All I did ask for was respect from regular Commisioned Officers, which I rarely recieved, even though I had on average 3 arrests a night every weekend, and I had 8 felony arrrests in one month. Because I was a “Rent a Cop” and wasn’t commisioned most officers treated me as if I was a dumb cousin not to be taken seriously. sorry for the rant, but behavior like this drives me a little nuts, and is one of the reasons I left the security field.

  3. Those under our protection must know, in their blood and in their bones, that we are fair;

    Et cetera. Sorry, LD, I haven’t believed that in so many years that I’ve lost count. I learned a long time ago that my civil rights and personal well being do not appear on a typical law enforcement officer’s list of priorities.

    I wish things were different, but they aren’t.

  4. well said – but I fear your views are in the minority these days. . .

  5. I don’t have a problem with officers giving each other a break for minor traffic stuff–Moderate speeding about the limit.

    I don’t have a problem with officers accepting free coffee or meals voluntarily provided.

    To demand these things as rights is another matter entirely.

  6. There was just an incident where free drinks for officers at the 7-11 became officers carting cases of drinks and huge bags of stolen merchandise. The owner wondered where his stock was going and reviewed the surveillance tapes and he could see the local constabulary carrying away the store.

  7. I noticed that a lot of the complainers are from the NY/NJ area and have a beef with a southern LEO. One of the post went as far as comparting the issue to the movie Deliverance!

    I am not a LEO but I had a problem with an alleged NY LEO last year. I was taking my elderly mother to her regular medical check up and as I tried to park, this idiot came racing out of nowhere and blocked the space. He inmediately started to mouth off in a heavy NY accent saying that he saw the space first (from the other side of the parking lot I guess) and the space was his. I politely told the guy that it was not a question that “seeing” but being close to the spot and to please allow me to park. He refused and said he had nothing else to do the rest of the afternoon but he was not going to let me park. I made the mistake of saying: “OK Bubba, whatever makes you happy. the spot is yours.” and the guy lost it. He got out of his car and started to cuss and holler that he was no bubba, that he was NYPD and that he was going to teach me a lesson for insulting a police officer. I decided that the best strategy was to leave and did so. I do have to say the loudmouth kept his distance and did not try to attack my vehicle with my mother inside.

    What I am trying to say in this long-winded post is that maybe NY area LEOs may project an attitude or behavior that we in the South consider inappropiate or downright belligerent but they don’t see it that way. Add to that flgrant violations of the law and you end up with people complaining because they don’t get a break.

  8. You’d have got on very well with my Dad. This looks like a new ‘canonical piece’ on the Net.

    Very well done, Sir.

  9. Reminds me of a group that rented a houseboat on the Lake of the Ozarks: don’t remember where out east they were from, but it was a group of LEOs on vacation…

    They got VERY drunk, and correspondingly loud and obnoxious. When they pulled in to dock, there was a group of MO’s finest waiting.

    They tried playing the “we’re cops too!” card… and were told “Cool! And now, you’re cops under arrest!”…

  10. LawDog,

    Thanks for weighing in. That website angered and depressed me, and I have to say it made me feel considerably better to be reminded about one of the good guys.

    Keep up the good work.

  11. Note I dropped the site “staff”:

    So, from what I can see of your site you are upset that a fellow officer would dare to write another officer a traffic citation. No argument over whether the law was broken or that a private citizen in the same circumstances would have deserved a ticket… you think you should be allowed to break the law because some fool issued you a badge.

    A a retired Soldier and noncommissioned officer I can tell you that authority brings responsibility. You cannot expect others to respect your authority when you yourself have no respect for it or the responsibility it brings. You cannot uphold the law when you act as though you are above it. Respect for fellow officers does not mean turning a blind eye to illegal or unethical behavior. An officer sworn to uphold the law must be a paragon of the law, or else he is a farce. How can you possibly keep a straight face when giving a citation for violation of a statute YOU expect to violate with impunity yourself?


  12. Thank you for not succumbing to such a pathetic ego primp over perceived power and elitism and for not living as a hypocrite. It’s refreshing to run into someone above that nonsense. Bless you always.

  13. My agency doesn’t do traffic, so I can’t give “professional courtesy”, nor do I expect it.

    I’ve never flashed my credentials. I’ve never ID’d myself as a LEO, except when asked. I don’t display any “Thin Blue Line” decals, nor any other badges or stickers. (Does “Ron Paul 2008” count?)

    I’ve been stopped exactly five times for traffic violations since I became a LEO. I was ticketed three times, and paid the fines without complaint, because I was guilty.

    I have no problem with a LEO getting a pass if he’s held to the same standard as other motorists. Meaning: if cruising along with the traffic at 5-15 over the posted limit would get Joe Driver a warning, the Joe Cop should get one too. Conversely, in a “zero tolerance zone”, if Joe Driver would get a ticket for +2, then Joe Cop should as well.

  14. You sir, are a gentleman and a mensch. If only more people had your sense of integrity and honor I think the world would be a better place.

  15. Law Dog,

    As I’ve said to Ambulance Driver, would that we could clone you.

    Thank you for this fine piece, and I’ll echo PDB’s lament that you shouldn’t have to…

  16. Your post is the latest reason why I have become one of your faithful flock of readers.

  17. ‘Dog,

    Thanks for your service. Thanks your dedication. Thanks for being impartial. It is all about the rules apply to everyone. Not a carved out set of “we’re the only ones…” getting x breaks.

    that site just frosted my thoughts about the whole “we’re the only ones getting professional courtsey”

    Please keep up the good works.

    and the writing.

    woerm on THR

    full disclosure,

    had only second traffic stop in 36 yrs behind the wheel last week. Thankfully got warning instead of ticket.
    Think it had something to do w/ 35 yrs w/o any tickets.

  18. *claps*

    Hope you have a long and uneventful career LD. That’s about all I can say but I heartily agree.

    I’ve been asked why I never went for LEO as a career. My answer is I don’t think I could deal with some of the folks I’d have to fairly, or at least, I’d end up sick physically, emotionally and mentally from having to do so.

    Stating this, here, I hope everyone understands why I have great respect for you and the other REAL LEOs that do a job I simply don’t want to do regardless of pay.

    Glad someone is willign to do it though.

  19. Law Dog,
    You sir, know the meaning of honor, duty, and code. I must say that it is refreshing to have men like you on the job as Peace Officers. As I read your post I pondered what separates men like you from those others that we read about. I must confess that I have been reading your blog for over a year and a half now. At first, I thought it might be that you were brought up in a different country as I have surmised from your postings. Then I thought it was because mayhap that you were the product of good parenting (via the posts from Law Mom). However, then it struck me – you are the type of Peace Officer you are simply because you are you. I have known men who come from horrible background/families that are the paragons of duty and honor. Likewise, I have known men from unstintingly gracious homes that were outright boorish pigs. Please do keep up writing the good posts. Thanks for showing society at large that all Peace Officers are not like the ones we have been reading about.

    Keep up the great posts.
    Dr. Joe

  20. I also noticed on the left side of “CopsWritingCops” links with titles like “Police Grants” and “Making Money”. That says a lot of the mindset of these a-holes.

  21. Crucis, I’ve not seen the site you’re referring to, but I will say, I have no problem with police seeking extant grants and funds already out there. I don’t have a problem with cops wanting to work off-duty gigs for more cash.

    I do, of course, have an ENORMOUS problem with cops whining about their received citations.

    My personal emotion upon being stopped for a traffic violation is utter shame. There are times when I can’t hide that I’m a cop, such as: they see a piece of police paraphernalia, or (horror of horrors) I’m in uniform. My expression has *always* been “I’m so sorry to have done this and put you in this position. Do what needs doing.”

    I’ve been lucky– I’ve never had out-and-out arrogance displayed to me by an off-duty cop when I’ve pulled them over. (Wait. There was one reserve cop from a distant agency, and I’ve always regretted not having stroked him. He argued with me on a point of traffic law that he was utterly WRONG about, and unsafe to boot. I did call his supervisor, though.)

    On my way back from a seminar once, on had a trooper quite properly stop me for speeding. I apologized, and he asked if I was an officer (I had pulled very far off the road for his safety, and he caught a view of my credentials.). I admitted that I was, but told him to do what needed doing. He asked me about the seminar (ironically, it was a Save A Life Summit, about catching drunk drivers and enforcing seatbelt and speeding laws). I told him about it. He said, “Yeah, I stopped another officer from your county about half an hour ago, and he wasn’t too happy. He badged me right off.”

    I asked him if he wrote the guy.
    “Yep, I’m afraid I had to,” he sighed, with my citation on his clipboard.

    “Understood. It’s your job,” I said.

    I didn’t get the cite (he never started it, but he sure thought about it). But I probably deserved one.

    And I for damned sure slowed down the rest of my way home.

  22. I last got pulled over for speeding in Phil (my old car). I got written up (I deserved it, I was flying) and as he handed me my ticket he asked me where I worked. I told him the Coroner’s Office. He started swearing, and asked why I didn’t badge him.

    ‘Cos I deserved it, that’s why.

    He asked where I was going that quickly, and I replied “The morgue.”

    I could tell he was exercising great restraint in not saying something like “Keep driving that way, jerk, you’ll get there.” Hard to pass up a straight line like that.

  23. Well put, LD, and bravo!
    I give all LEOs the respect they deserve–and some a lot more courtesy than they earn. Most are good, but some are bad, and they color the average citizen’s view of the group as a whole.
    I thank you and all other honorable and right-thinking Peace Officers.

  24. Recently in my city, while off-duty, a veteran police officer shot her lover (a retired officer) with her service pistol, then shot herself. Quite a turn from the “usual” murder/suicide in that the woman was the shooter. She was also head of the Domestic Violence Squad, no less.

    Of course, the thin blue line reacted strongly to suggestions that one of their own might have been “off”. They’ve strongly opposed any formal investigation, or any suggestion that police officers should continue to undergo psychiatric qualifying throughout their careers (not just when they join the force) and are totally opposed to a coroner’s inquest to determine what could be done to avoid future cases like this.

    A fellow female officer actually had the temerity to write a letter to the local paper, demanding that people (ie. the public) just mind their own business, and let the cops grieve for their own in private.

    Uh – No. If this was any other private citizens, the cops would be doing cavity searches on anyone who ever even shared a beer with either of the two victims.

    You don’t have the luxury of not being treated just like anyone else. You aren’t entitled to special treatment. If anything, you are to be held to a higher standard. We (the public) have entrusted you to do a job that we are fully, and legally entitled to do ourselves. For convenience, and consistency, we’ve chosen to employ you for that purpose. You work for US. You answer to US. You must prove your worth to US.

    I support cops. I work closely with cops. But I also worry about the militarization of cops. And I worry about the elitism of cops. Sure we don’t live your lives. But you don’t live our lives, either. That doesn’t make you special. Just different.

  25. I have gotten pulled over a couple of times for speeding. I understand the “do the crime, pay the fine/time.” I got a warning once, and a $218 fine + two point the other.

    My brother-in-law was a volunteer fireman in a southern town while attending a southern college. His wallet wallet badge is still almost a free ride. I personally know of three instances where a warning was given where I would have been ticketed.

    It even worked for his mother, based on either his car registration or stickers on his car.

    I see both sides of the coin here, but I can not count how many times I have seen a LEO’s cruiser speeding, rolling stops, nicking that red light.

    If y’all have the blue lights on, anything goes. However, just because your car has the bar on top doesn’t mean you can do anything. Everyone looks to you to set the example.

  26. I’m glad you decided to comment on it, as I’d been wanting to, but couldn’t figure out a good way to phrase the question without sounding insulting. I mean, “You’re not a dishonorable scumbag like these folks, are you?” didn’t seem to be in the right spirit.

  27. My hubby is a training officer and has cited his trainees for not obeying traffic laws. If you are a police officer you cannot write tickets for the same laws you don’t follow. Thank you LawDog for speaking for all of the honest officers out there working the streets.

  28. I recall once, a guy I was aquainted with said a couple of the local deputy sheriffs served him with papers… he said they were polite and professional. But then, not long after that, he found them out around town, off-duty and with .45’s in their hip pockets, in a shoving match over a girl. (Disorderly conduct, at least… conduct unbecoming, what else?) That guy said he went over their and asked them, if they wanted to act like that, how they expected anyone to respect them. That’s about the only point I agree with that guy on, but anyway… it just goes to the higher standard.

    I’ve been hearing about cops getting away with a whole lot of stuff in my part of the country lately. I’ve also been hearing about cops who’ve been getting away with just about everything eventually getting caught.

    That said, the times I’ve had anything to do with cops, they’ve been quite helpful. Most cops I see out and around my locality, I have no problem with. I think reading LawDog’s blog helps me remember who a lot of cops are… people like us who have a different level of responsibility.

    mustanger98 on THR

  29. LD, you just proved what I’ve been thinking for a while. You don’t exist. That’s why you protect your identity so much.

    You must be a computer A.I. like in the Matrix or something. Your simply too good to be real.

  30. Looks like the kid who video taped the guy threatening him in St. Louis has more problems from “the few bad apples”. He’s got cops stalking him and sitting in front of his house and following him around trying to intimidate him.

    Missouri: Police Stake Out Brett Darrow Home

    Looks like they weren’t kidding when the police posted the death threats on coptalk. Hope he has a concealed carry permit and does so. looks like he’s a marked man. If he ends up dead we’ll know why and we’ll know who did it.

  31. Here’s what I wrote to these arrogant bastards:

    “Clearly you believe that off-duty law enforcement personnel ought to receive “professional courtesy” after violating a law, by which I understand you mean not receiving a ticket that I would have received. Having a get-out-of-jail-free card isn’t enough, though – you also want the on-duty officer to treat you with respect while telling you there’s no consequence for breaking the law.

    All that, as I said, is a benefit of free speech. However, I won’t forget this site the next time an officer of the law talks about his salary or benefits. If being above the law is an expected benefit from your position, then we can take that into account in calculating pay and benefits.

    The 1st Amendment enumerates your right to speak freely, but it doesn’t take away the consequences your words have. By the way, if a cop treated you rudely even after knowing you’re a fellow officer, imagine how many hundreds of “ordinary, meaningless” citizens like me the officer treated even more rudely. I don’t suppose that matters as you look upon the lawless masses.”

  32. My FTO told me (about 30 years ago) professional courtesy was not screwing up in someone else’s territory.


  33. I read the forums at several times a week and am disappointed by the number of officers who think their opinions trump the law and my rights.

    The theme of second-most interest to me is the professional courtesy issue, on which there seems to be a fairly even split, which I find unfortunate.

    I’d feel better about whatever officer might show up at my front door or at my driver’s window if I had some assurance they might think more like LD or Matt.

    The world is becoming a more threatening place and my perception is that the unknown quality of the random law enforcement officer is a part of the threat. The hell of it is I’d still like to do something positive for every officer I see, just on general principle.

  34. gmznrHi Dr. Joe-
    Definitely the Dog is himself. He is also the product of a good British-type raising overseas-and an occasional session with the seat of his pants getting warmed.
    Once, to my utter embarrassment, we were landing in Amsterdam after an exceptionally long and somewhat fraught flight from Texas. The Dog was about 5, his brother 3, and we were seated, as was the habit (thought lord only knows why) just behind first class. When the plane landed, a well-dressed man came back from first class and said to the boys, “You all are the best-behaved children; how does your mother get you to stay still and quiet?” This was, of course, a conversational question, not meant to be answered, but even at an early age, the Dog tended to be somewhat literal-minded. He piped up in his bright child’s voice which carried from cockpit to tail, “If we don’t, she hits us.”
    LOL! But it wasn’t funny then; I was covered with embarrassment, lest people thought I just beat up constantly on my kids.
    Only when they needed it-and they did need it from time to time, they got swatted, Templeton less than Dog, I have to say.
    But of course, all these years later, he’d better not go around behaving like a honyok, or he’s still going to get hit…..

  35. LawMom, if more moms were like you (and my own mom rest her soul) the world would be a far better place.

  36. And THAT Lawmom is part of why Lawdog is the man he is. Seems to me that some of the “police officers” on that site needed some of your raising style.

  37. “But of course, all these years later, he’d better not go around behaving like a honyok, or he’s still going to get hit…..

    One should always beware of red-headed scotswomen. My mother is one, too.

  38. Law Mom,

    Habari azubi

    Ah yes, the British system of education. When I taught in Tanzania – specifically Arusha I was greeted each morning with my students standing at attention as I entered the door. I never once had to worry about discipline because they knew that they would be “put out,” and they also knew that no education in that part of the world mean poverty or death. The men (35 to 50 years old) held me in high regard (I had just completed my Ph.D.) even the village chief would often call me “mwalimu” (a very polite and formal address for “teacher”). For a village elder and the chief no less to call me that shows their upbringing. Likewise, I had some ex-pats that also treated me with a great deal of respect. I never had to worry about cheating on exams – as I do in the States. The reason way? – because it would bring GREAT shame on the family name and the family itself. I treated my students with respect and honor because they had earned it and gave it back to me. They were good men struggling with learning hard subjects that would later help them in life. I was glad to be there and glad to help them – we had great fun.
    My mother and father also disciplined my brother and me often – and we deserved it. I do believe that if children are taught right from wrong behavior (sometimes by the seat of their pants) and they are molded in proper ethic then they most often turn out just fine. My brother is a vice president for a large fortune 500 company and has a great ethical reputation simply because of who he is and the ethics our parents infused in him. So it comes as no surprise to me that your son is the man he is because of his upbringing! May the world continue to see many good men and women brought up this way –but sadly I think it is going the other way in the general society. I hope that Law Dog is not upset by the hijacking of this thread. I will sign off with the traditional Swahili fare thee well.
    Dr. Joe

  39. I don’t have a huge problem with cops getting a warning over a SMALL traffic violation. But I have a HUGE problem when they expect it. As an example, say, 7-11 gives free coffee to cops. One day, the clerk asks the cop to pay for it. If a cop now starts yelling that it’s his RIGHT to get free coffee, the clerk is a jerk etc., I think there is a huge problem….

    I’m also afraid that this kind of mentality escalates. Today, I expect to be immune from speeding tickets because I’m a cop. Tomorrow, I expect to be stumbling drunk, yet still immune from DWI charges. Next day, well, what cop would be rude enough to arrest me for aggravated assault, or maybe rape? After all, we’re brothers and he’ll just overlook some evidence, right?

    …. and now I am fully above the law….

    This is a scary concept, and one that is becoming more and more visible in some areas.

    Law Dog, Matt G, and others like you: you are honorable and we need more like you. I hope it won’t ever happen, but if I’m ever in your jurisdiction and get pulled over by either one of you, I will be proud to accept a ticket….

    I’m also afraid cops like you two are becoming extinct….

    Hell, just look at the NOLA’s finest! What was it, 1/3 went AWOL and the 2/3 that stayed stole, raped, and probably killed….. Law Dog, ever wonder just exactly WHY the cops were confiscating weapons? WHO was shooting at the helicopters? Was it thugs with nothing to gain from shooting at the birds (no ambulances were shot at BTW), or someone who did not want to be video taped from above? My wife knows a few EMTs that worked in the Katrina mess and they have not encountered problems with the locals, EXCEPT WITH COPS….. We’ll never know, but I have a feeling that a lot of bad stuff that happened, was done by LEOs….. (like stea…. er… “requisitioning” Cadillacs from the dealership…)

    Great bunch of LEOs in NOLA…..

  40. Well said LD! I live across the street from a cop, and I don’t think it’s possible for me to have a lower opinion of him. He sets off fireworks for his children on the 4th of July (illegal inside city limits), speeds down our neighborhood street in his Mustang at about 50 mph, and constantly parks on whatever side of the street he’s on for the night. Since I do have to obey the city rules, and park on a designated side of the street per the date, it irritates me to no end when I see him leave his car wherever he wants. It really gets my goat when I accidentally leave my car on the wrong side of the street for the night, walk out and see a ticket on my windshield, and yet he doesn’t have one because he’s a cop, even though he was on the wrong side of the street as well.
    It irritates me immensely!
    You wouldn’t want to move to Milwaukee, would you? I’d actually have some respect for you!

  41. There’s something to be said about the fact that (generally speaking) peace officers deal with the “bottom 10%” of society regularly–which leads to a jaded outlook on people as a whole.

    That leads to ‘police ghetto’ districts in cities–where 50%++ of the residents are police officers–because they are simpatico with their neighbors. Shared worldview, experiences, etc.

    Both of these phenomena are discomfiting. While understandable, it’s still not “right.”

    But even given that, the whining on that site is beyond the pale. It is, in fact, the sort of stuff which makes citizens think twice about the ‘peace officer’ who they encounter.

    Sad. Even sadder that it’s on the ‘net for all to see.

  42. Ahwahdo, Dr. Joe-
    I taught in Nigeria. There, in the public schools, grades are dependent upon what the parent can pay, more’s the shame.
    I don’t know how it is now, but the Nigerians’ idea of teaching kids the right and wrong of things is somewhat drastic.
    One day, some of the engineers came to my husband to ask to take the boys on a little ‘excursion.’ The excursion turned out to be the execution of a chief who had turned robber big time. And it was to be held on the school grounds as a lesson to the kids. The engineers had rented an upstairs room in a nearby godown, and stocked it with those things immensely pleasing to the Mammy Water; that, is, Nehi orange and Pepsi, ‘hot drinks’-Akavit, gin, and White Horse (blarg!), and planned to go placate her down at the river as soon as the execution was over.
    Our warehouseman already had his servants primed to dive into the river and recover all the sacrifice as soon as the placaters left.
    My husband wouldn’t let the boys go; I confess, I would have. But then, I’m the one when one of the engineers went absolutely bonkers on bad khif and had to be tied to his bed which was then set upright against the wall so he wouldn’t strangle, took the boys down to see what drugs would do to them.
    I know, I probably traumatized them for life, but they don’t kill people for fun and they don’t do drugs.
    Come to think of it, I guess my idea of teaching is somewhat drastic, as well.
    I am absolutely apalled at the lack of discipline and respect in the public schools in the United States. Thanks to the various protective services, lawyers, and assorted Susie Soccermommies. Yeah, I know, they are necessary in a lot of cases, but in a lot of others, they are nothing but busybody do-gooders, and they have done American education a terrible hurt.
    It seems that these days, the idea of parents (tragically and unfortunately) is not to back up the teacher or the police when their kid has done something wrong. It’s like the right and wrong of it doesn’t matter; what does is getting by with it one way or another.
    I did substitute teaching for a year here, and then decided I’d best not do that any more, lest I slam some mouthy kid up against the wall and fetched up in jail myself.
    Additionally, we do our children a great disservice in telling them that a college education will open all doors. It won’t; not unless they major in human services, and there are associate degrees that are just as good for that, or in a technical field, for which there are also associate degrees which are less expensive, more focussed, and will get someone a job a lot faster than a 4-year degree unless the applicant has an ‘in’ somewhere in the company.
    That is disgraceful, but it’s a fact of life in the good ol’ Hew Hess Hay. I personally prefer the blatant hands-out of teachers and prospective employers in Africa. There’s a twisted kind of honesty in that.
    I suspect one should never raise children as I have raised mine, if they are going to live and work in the USA. They are going to be constantly disappointed and disillusioned with the double standard, and their brilliant minds are not going to be used to the greatest benefit of anyone. It’s a shame, but there it is.

  43. Dawg
    You have already put it better than I could. My rule of a break applied across the board for cops, joe sixpack, and thugs, if I would give a break in a situation ot one , all would get it, if not then cops just had to suck it up.


  44. Sir, we need a lot more cops like you.

    I’ve been given many reasons to mistrust the police, though–for some reason–I still try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for reaffirming that there are still good cops out there. You’re a credit to law enforcement, and to humanity.

  45. You said it well.

    I wish your view was the majority. But my experience (I’m an over-50 male whose passed FBI fingerprint/background checks many times) is that you are almost alone. LEO’s forget they are civilians (not under the UCMJ) and thus they are supposed to be just like ALL the rest of us. I had a neighbor, with whom I was on very good terms, even tell me all about the “brother officer” courtesies he got (drive 90, sure no problem). My conclusion is that LEO’s are generally a bunch of arrogant cowboys. When I was young I would have argued against that view…no more.

  46. The problem LD discusses also affects how I look at the LEO’s testimony if/when I am on a jury. LEO’s should understand they are having that effect. I’m white and now understand better why many blacks won’t convict when they are on the jury.

  47. I work as a “Special Protection Officer” (armed bank guard) in Indianapolis. Even though I am NOT an LEO, people often assume that I am because I am armed and in uniform. I know that because of this evrythin that I do (or don’t do), reflects upon the public’s perception of REAL LEOs. So, I always conduct myself in a manner that will reflect properly on you real officers. It is a shame some that LEOs can’t do the same. Bless you, LD and all those of your ilk.

  48. My god. I can honestly say I have never been so embarassed by another person or persons. These individuals on the site listed are exactly that, an embarassment to a professional police officer.

    Have I given a cop a break on a citation before, yes. But I have also done the same for just as many or more “civilians,” indeed. An officers descretion is indeed a powerful tool, and in that fact it should never be misused, or demanded by anyone.

    This kind of muck only further shakes the foundations of our integrity, they should be ashamed.

  49. From what I could see that site is a disgrace to all of us in law enforcement. I wrote them an email to tell them so, under the tells us your story link (since their contacts link was not working). What a shame there are cops like that out there. Their site says this:

    “Here’s how to get out of a ticket. don’t break the law.”

    And all they want to do is maon and groan when they get one!

    No Pride, No Integrity, and no Guts.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  50. Chris:

    Those “AWOL” NOLA officers simply didn’t exist.

    NOLA politicians probably created officers out of thin air to pocket federal matching funds … when FEMA asked where these officers were, it was suddenly discovered that they had all deserted and that they must have given NOLA bad background info because we now can’t find them.

  51. Kristopher,
    Hmmm, one of those AWOL NOLA cops was arrested in Houston a few months after Katrina. He was in a stolen car, tried to show his badge and had some other charges against him, too….

    Yes, some of the missing cops never existed, but there was a fair share of those who stole what they could and hauled ass…..

    One for sure….

  52. Yes, some of the missing cops never existed, but there was a fair share of those who stole what they could and hauled ass…..

    One for sure….

    I doubt he ever spent a day actually doing police work. I also wonder how much of his salary he kicked back to the NO machine.

  53. To recieve courtesy, show courtesy. To recieve ticket, act like it’s an outrage that the officer is wasting your time. Works for me, and I don’t carry a badge.

  54. NOPD was notorious for low pay and oficers who managed to retire rich in spite of that. In fact, one NOPD officer is on Death Row right now for killing her partner while robbing a bank on duty. I hear that there were serious efforts to clean it up pre-Katrina; no idea how well it worked.

    Anyway, most of the complaining seems to be from big city cops. I can remember when the standard practice in Chicago was to hand over a twenty with your license if stopped. Don’t know if that still happens today, but if that’s how one gets a break, I can understand the “gimme a discount” thinking. Sure doesn’t lead to respect from the public, I can tell you that!

    One officer I know was telling me about getting stopped in another part of the state for speeding. He took the ticket without complaint, but then told the young officer “Son, I’ve been a cop for twenty years. You can chew a man out for speeding OR write a ticket, but doing both is just wrong!” I liked that.

  55. I have just looked at this link from another forum, where fortunately the people there are really nice.

    However, coming from the U.K. it’s hard for me to comprehend the extent of the life of an american LEO.

    Having said that one of the replies was right about the ‘nanny-state’ that is sweeping across the globe.

    Surprisingly enough, it is alleged that The Child Protection Act that was passed here back in 2001/2 was actually commissioned by the Government was written by a now convicted peadophile – Oh the irony!

    Fair play to you for standing up for what you believe in, there should be more people like you worldwide, if there were this would be a better place. Good luck in all your future endeavours.

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