Monster Hunter International

My friend Larry Correia’s book is now available, and despite my antipathy to, you can order his book through them.

It is an engaging read, thoroughly engrossing and sprinkled with sly humour. Larry sent me his first draft — and the second, come to think — for me to proof-read, but others better at the process to him well in hand, so I got to read it for the enjoyment.

Try it, if you like late-night monster flicks you’ll love this book.


Oh. My. God.

6 thoughts on “Monster Hunter International”

  1. Just got mine in the mail today. Haven’t even cracked the spine yet, but am looking forward to it. What a great birthday present to me.

    Enjoy it…again!

  2. Just finished it! It’s great, and I got a big kick out of the parts about being a bigger guy.

  3. Got mine last week, but I’ve only had time to get through about 130 pages so far. I like it.

    Now if I can just decide where to put the patch…

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