By way of MattG, who caught it from Lady Tam, I have been tagged for a meme.
Ah, well. It beats thinking.
Let us see here:
1. Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more.
2. Find page 123.
3. Find the first five sentences.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
Hmm. Page 123 is a diagram titled “Palm-Up Slash Against Lowline Target”. Okay, we’ll go on to 124 — “Palm-Right Slash Against Lowline Target”; page 125 is a diagram of a “Palm-Left Slash Against Highline Target” and 126 is blank.
Ah-hah! Page 127 has sentences!
“The technique Shearman used against Bishop clearly follows a military technique called flourishing. This technique, normally associated with the backsword or saber, is based on a series of angles from which cutting attacks may be delivered. The flourish is accomplished by delivering one angle of attack after another in a flowing pattern.”
The book: “The Fighting Tomahawk” by Dwight C. McLemore.
Meh. I tag whomever wants to play.
o.k. i’ll play, from “the ayes of texas”, by daniel da cruz. title ramdomly selected as the nearest to hand.
“manuevering is by means of bow and stern thrusters, port and starboard. they divert a portion of the propulsion stream, giving a turning radius and maneuverability like that of a speedboat.”
“and speaking of speed…?”
…and that was “for anyone willing to play”.
Looks like fun … let’s see what I can find.
Oh drat, the hubby had to help out. Oh well.
Had the same issue, LD … ended up with page 127… diagrams and blanks before that.
“In early 1987 I recieved a copy of the documents from an American source and these were published, for the first time, in my book Above Top Secret later that year. Amoung the reasons for my conviction that the papers are bogus is the fact that the signature on the Truman memo was ‘lifted’ from a document that was known to be authentic. And General Eisenhower, as Army Chief of Staff in 1947, would almost certainly have been given the essential details about Roswell at the time.”
Page 127, chapter 8 “Majic”
Part Two 1950-9
Book Title: Need To Know
Author: Timothy Good
“The commission’s recommendation was accepted by Stalin. New forces were rapidly concentrated and grouped into four armies to defend the western approaches to the capital, and, on 17 October, the Stavka ordered the detachment of the four northern armies of the West Front’s right wing to form a new Kalinin Front under Konev. Three weeks later, on 10 November, the Bryansk Front was broken up.”
Title: Stalin as Military Commander
Author: Albert Seaton
Page 123 Chapter 6 “The Winter Campaign”
Somebody has way too much time on their hands.
“For it is a false though very common notion to believe that revolutions invariably arise from the desire of certain classes or social groups to speed up a change that in their opinion is too slow. Revolution can also be, for certain sectors of society, directly affected by the upheaval of the traditional order of things, the wish to resist a change that is considered too rapid.”
Title Interpreting the French Revolution.
Author; Francios Furet
“Seating bullets 1/16″ deeper in the 270 reduces the volume 0.06cc and 0.16cc for the 45 ACP. That’s a hardly noticeable reduction of 1.7% for the 270 and a whopping 14% for the 45 ACP. This large volume reduction has an equally large effect on pressure that is made more critical because the maximum pressure for a 45 ACP is almost 1/3 of a 270 Winchester.”
Modern Reloading, Second Edition by Richard Lee
Eleanor Roosevelt, too, believed that a “benevolent dictator” might be the only answer for America. And it was hardly lost on the liberal intellectuals swirling around the Roosevelt administration that the enormously popular Benito Mussolini had used the same methods to whip the unruly Italians into shape.After all, the New Republic—the intellectual home of the New Deal—had covered the goings-on in Italy with fascination and, often, admiration.
Liberal Fascism, Jonah Goldberg, pg. 123.
If there is enough ambient light for you to see your adversary and perceive him as a threat, you may carry on with your response as you would in broad daylight. Eventually, however, the light levels will decrease to a point where you can still see your adversary, and you may be able to perceive him as a threat, but you will not be able to discern your sights from the target as you seek the sight picture. If the adversary is close enough, the simple alignment created by your firing stance will often be enough.
“Tactical Pistol Marksmanship” by Gabe Suarez
“More Concretely:
The location where we will engage the enemy must not become known to them. If it is not known, then positions that they must prepare to defend will be numerous. If the positions the enemy prepares to defend are numerous, then the forces we engage will be few.”
TITLE: The Art of War
AUTHOR: Sun-tzu
TRANSLATOR: Ralph D. Sawyer
“She offered the General, as a souvenior of Troy, a very beautiful herbarium containing more than 200 of the most remarkable plants from the surrounding areas collected, put in order and described by her.
“After these vists, we left the City slowly in the midst of the people who blanketed the route that we had to traverse to arrive at the banks of the Hudson. Each one hurled himself toward the carriage of the General and wanted to clasp his hand. At every step, we saw fathers lifting their children above the crowd in order that they could see Lafayette better and ask for his blessing. At the moment when we were crossing the river, a triple huzzah and a salvo of artillery expressed the farwells and the last good wishes of the inhabitants of this wealthy and happy City.”
Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825
Auguste Levasseur, translated by Alan R. Hoffman.
It would be hard to think of any other crusade pursued so relentlessly for so long by any nation, at such mounting costs, without any economic or other tangible benefit to itself. These costs included bribes paid to Spain and Portugal to get their cooperation with the effort to stop the international slave trade and the costs of maintaining naval patrols and of resettling freed slaves, not to mention dangerous frictions with France and the United States, among other countries. Captains of British warships who detained vessels suspected of carrying slaves were legally liable if those vessels turned out to have no slaves on board.
Title: Black Rednecks and White Liberals
Chapter: “The Real History of Slavery”
Author: Thomas Sowell
What book I happened to be actually touching as I read that:
“Electrons crossing the junction at x=0 from right to left constitute a current in the same direction as holes crossing the junction from left to right. Hence the total current I at x=0 is I=Ipn(0) + Inp(0).
Since the current is the same throughout a series circuit, I is independent of x, and is indicated as a horizontal line in Fig. 6-5.” — Electronic Devices and Circuits, Millman & Halkias. One of my (1975 vintage) college textbooks.
“Here there was a scattered collection of shacks inhabited by the men, women, and ever-present children who were drawn together by a common aversion to more labor than the day’s needs called for. They brawled, fought, got drunk when they could, and made love when the mood was upon them. This was often, for babies were born with a calendarlike regularity and were absorbed into the community without much thought or effort.”
Wind from the Carolinas by Robert Wilder, copyright 1964. The cited passage describes a rough neighborhood in the Bahamas.
Philosophy demands the same things your own nature requires, but you seem to want something more. You seem to demand, “Why not even more pleasure?” But isn’t this the very way pleasure deceives us? Surely generosity, freedom, simplicity, tranquillity and reverence are enough.
Page 124 The Pleasure of Wisdom
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
by Mark Forstater
I took your meme, my good Dog, but I posted it on my website. That way you can look at it there: People of the Weeping Eye is an excellent book in a series about the first North Americans. This one is my project now that classes are over for two weeks. By the way, I added you to my blogroll. I hope that’s all right.
You use sabre techniques for tomahawk fighting?
Huh. Who knew?
I was taught “flourishing” about 17 years ago with foil and epee, but I never got around to sabre, as they said that it would be a waste for someone with my reach to bother with it. It was more of a shorter person’s sport, embracing powerful chops. But speed. Always speed.
“Ah, well. It beats thinking.
You got that right, pal.
Ok here goes. From Garrett Oliver’s The Brewmasters Table.
On the palate, dynamic fruit, malt, light caramel, and hops all show through to a dry hoppy finish. A toasty, bisquity grain flavor lingers. A distinctive beer-no wonder it’s so widley copied.
He’s talking about Fullers ESB folks.
Speakers have endless ways to torment their listeners. Some robotically recite memorized sentences or hunch over pages, reading every word, rarely making eye contact with their audiences. Others ramble through slides of data, with no more structure than, “And now this slide shows…” Such presenters think passive listeners are like active readers or engaged conversationalist.
Page 123
Book: A Manual for Writers – 7th Edition
Author: Kate Turabian, revised by Wayne C. Booth…
Yes, folks, it’s research paper time for me! Can you tell?
In melee both Yank and Reb preffered to use the butt of the weapon, or swing their muskets by the barrel like a club, rather than gut the enemy with their bayonets. Some writers have concluded that a specific characteristic of this brother-against-brother civil war must have been the cause of the soldier’s reluctance to bayonet his enemy, but wound statistics from nearly two centuries of battles indicate that what is revealed here is a basic, profound, and universal insight into human nature. First, the closer the soldier draws to his enemy the harder it is to kill him, until at bayonet range it becomes extremely difficult, and second, the average human being has a strong resistance to piercing the body of another of his own kind with a handheld edged weapon, preferring to club or slash at the enemy.
Oops! Forgot to add, The book is “On Killing” by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.
“The only practical sniping scopes made and used during the war of 1914-18 were in the hands of the Germans and were the product of the great German optical industry of which the firms of Zeiss and Hensoldt are leaders.
Before the first World War the few scopes that were seen were usually of the target type and most of them were in the hands of Scheutzen target men. Early scopes of this type were the Stevens, the Malcolm, the Winchester A-5, and the Seidel.”
Jack O’Connor, “The Rifle Book”
I’m glad I left that one on the computer desk, because the only other book I can see is the phone book, and I’m not sure the 3 people named Jansen would appreciate me publishing their phone numbers.
This is gonna be ugly, but–Pg 126, sentences 3-5:
A bonus or extra payment by the tenant to the lessor or sublessor on the execution of the lease is taxable as rent to the lessor or sublessor. If the tenant pays the landlord for permission to cancel the lease, the payments are rent to the landlord (whether cash or accrual basis) in the year received. (Reg 1.61-8(a)). Payments to the landlord for modifying a lease or consenting to a sublease are also considered rent.
From the ever-popular Federal Tax Handbook-2007. You asked for a handy book and this, unfortunately, is it.
“Never give in, never give in-in nothing great or small, large or petty-never give in except to convictions of honour and good ssense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
Speeches and Quotes.
Winston S. Churchill
Harrow School 29 Octover 1941
Changing the subject – about tomahawks. Modern Marvels on the History Channel will have a special in May about the history and development of the tomahawk. It was supposed to start May 9th, but I heard that they’re bumping it back to later in the month.