14 thoughts on “New Blogger”

  1. i LIKE that lady, if i were still single and 40 years younger i might be standing on her doorstep holding out a bunch of roses.

  2. WOW!

    If she wont marry me… think she might adopt me? I put on five pounds just reading her blog.

    But I do have a question… Is this the new Sky Writings?


  3. Redhead, LEO, cooks, shoots, reads sci-fi…. no question, I’m in love!

  4. Chalk up another beer I owe you, should we ever meet, Mr. ‘Dog. That lady is one hell of a writer.

  5. Y’all are probably distant kin and don’t know it. I’m just sayin’.

  6. the proper name for that shade of hair is “auburn” as worn by maureen o’hara in “the quiet man” and its one of the most striking hair colours a woman can own.
    (n.b.: the o’hara was one of the women who taught me at a young age what a beautiful woman should look like.)

  7. EricN – Don’t know if it’s the new Skywritings, but I’ll bet it’s pretty close.

  8. EricN – Don’t know if it’s the new Skywritings, but I’ll bet it’s pretty close.

    I’d betcher right.

  9. Wyatt/Jeffro- There are many similarities. She’s in law enforcement, lives in the Midwest, flies, has red hair, has a fondness for Sigs, etc. , I do not believe she is our missing blogger. HOTR writes that she grew up in Idaho and our beloved missing blogger grew up in Oregon. (I have a memory for details… I know it’s weird.) Besides the writing is very different, I’m not sure how to describe it but it feels more textured. In either case, her blog is incredibly promising.


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