Texas Voter Registration

For my Gentle Readers here in the Great State of Texas, I should like to mention that today is the last day that you may register to vote.

If you have not yet done so, I would take it as a personal favour if you would pop in at your local County Courthouse and see the County Clerk or District Clerk about doing so.

And let us not forget that early voting in our State will begin on October 20 of this year.

Ta ever so.


Widow Six Seven redeployment
"Dear LawDog"

12 thoughts on “Texas Voter Registration”

  1. As an election judge, I would like to add a bit to your PSA.

    Early voting begins Monday, October 20th and ends Friday, October 31st. During early voting you can go to any polling location in the county where you are registered. On election day, Tuesday, November 4th, you must go to the polling location for you precinct. Do not rely on the newspaper to have your correct polling location. It is my experience that they often screw it up. Your precinct number is on your voter registration card or you can do a look up on your county web site if it is so equipped (Collin and Dallas are), or failing that, you can call your county elections office to get the correct location.

    If, for some reason, you do not have an up to date registration and you miss the deadline today, you may not have to panic. If your current residence is in the same county as your current registration, then go to the polling location for where you are registered. When they ask you if the address is correct, tell them no and they will allow you vote after getting you to fill in a change of registration. If your current residence is not in the same county as your registration, then you are not allowed to vote.

  2. There a a number of things I dislike about the college I currently attend, but I will give them full credit for this – for the past five weeks or so, there has either been a table available in the student union, or workers canvasing the plaza, asking people if they’re registered to vote and offering to help them register.

  3. And let us not forget: after registering, please keep in mind the list of those who voted for the banking bailout, then let’s bail them out. Bail them right out of office!

    I have never voted for a Democrat for a major office, but John Cornyn is fired as far as I’m concerned. Rick Noriega is the Democrat opposition, and has a consistent “A” rating from the NRA.

    Good enough for me.

  4. My trouble is that our local bailer is running unopposed. Not that it’ll do any good, but I think I’ll write in Alfred E. Newman…

  5. A quick note: in California, as in many other states (I’m not sure about Texas) even if you are not registered you can still vote PROVISIONALLY, and then your vote will still be counted, after the registration info checks out.
    Also, if you can find time and energy, please consider being a poll worker on the 4th.


  6. You forgot to mention they can register at any library, drivers license office, and I THINK they can fill out a registration form at the post office I’m not 100% sure on the last one.

  7. Already registered and will be going the first day of early voting. I refuse to stand in line, as I did for the primaries with the Obamaites. I has never hurt to keep quiet about politics and politicians, until the last primary.

  8. Oh crap….

    I’ve checked on the TX.gov website multiple times and it’s said I’m registered to vote, but I have no recent voter registration card (the only one in the house expired in ’07). Will I still be able to vote by presenting regular ID, or am I screwed?

  9. dfwmtx,

    You’re fine. As long as they have you registered (and they will as long as you voted at least once in the last 4 years), you don’t have to have your voter registration card. A driver’s license will be sufficient.

  10. Hye no worries if you missed the deadline. I am sure you could an extra registration card from ACORN.


  11. “I have never voted for a Democrat for a major office, but John Cornyn is fired as far as I’m concerned. Rick Noriega is the Democrat opposition, and has a consistent “A” rating from the NRA.”

    I don’t care for Cornyn either so I took a look at Noriega after reading your post. He was sounding pretty decent up until he said he’s against the deportation of illegal immigrants.

  12. Well, not so good for the Johnson County precinct 7 polling place. My wife was in line to vote prior to 7pm. A man came up to her claiming to have been a 'former' polling judge and told her she was not allowed to vote. He then assaulted her, pulling on her arm and shoving her out the door while other voters were still in line still waiting to register before voting. There was no official polling judge present, my wife overheard that she, the judge had left. We plan to contact the State Attorney's office and the County Election Administrator tomorrow morning. Does anyone have any other suggestions of whom we can contact?

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