On this day in 2006, I started this little corner of BlogWorld.
Is that three years? And almost one and a half million visits.
I’m proud of most of the scribbles I’ve posted here (ambivalent about some others); been quoted by some good people, linked by a lot more, met a couple in person; and picked up some Blogchildren here and there.
All-in-all, a good three years.
Here’s looking at the next.
Happy blogiversary!
Congratulations, Lawdog. I’ve enjoyed the last three years, and am looking forward to at least twice that many more!
All-in-all, a good three years.
Here’s looking at the next.
Please do keep the posts coming, and my household & I will keep on enjoying the heck out of 'em!
Happy blogiversary! … I’ve enjoyed reading your blog!
LD, ya owe me a coupla keyboards an’ I want to thank you for some excellent tips on stayin’ alive.
Good on ya lad!
Thank you for being my Blogdaddy – and the best friend a man could ask for. Congratulations, and keep on truckin’!
Word verification: demiwfu. Sounds like what you say when you see some of your ‘clients’! ๐
Happy Blogday!! Sorry it took me most of that three years to find you, but I’m sure glad I did. Here’s looking forward to many more years of LawDogFiles.
Can it have been that long? Seems a much shorter time that I began missing you on a couple of the boards and asked Matt if he’d seen anything of you. He told me where to look, and there you were!
Keep up the good work, ‘Dawg.
Happy blogiversary! Much like JPG, I started laughing my butt off reading your stories on THR. My husband told me about your blog. It’s been a regular stop since then.
And may we enjoy many more, LD.
Happy Blogiversary, LD!
Keep the posts coming…:)
Congrats, Lawdog. Looking forward to another 3!
Happy Blogiversary! I’ve enjoyed your blog immensely. May you continue to blog for a very long time.
Happy blogiversary, Blogfather.
Try as I might, I’ll never match you or catch you.
Happy blogiversary, ‘Dog. I know the intarwebz wouldn’t be the same without you.
Congrats! Keep up the good work!
Congrats Lawdog!!
Congratulations, Lawdog. I started reading your blog shortly after you started. I think I heard about it from Kim, but I’m not sure. Here’s to many more years.
loved every minute of it, congratz
did you wish for economic stimulus before you blew out the candles ? ๐
Huzzah for a blogiversary!
Please keep the scribbles coming.
Happy blogiversary LawDog. May there be lots and lots more ๐
Congrats, LD!
I’m a new blogger, as of today, but a long time reader. I’ve very much enjoyed your writing. Keep it up!
You are one of the best blogs in the world, from whom our own blogs got a start and an inspiration. Thank you.
Happy Blogiversay! Co-incidently, I started my Blog, in February of 2006. Though a couple of server crashs obscure the exact date.
Happy blogiversary, LD!
Looking forward to many more years of great stories, please do keep them coming!
Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for the tears of laughter and thoughtful moments!
Congrats, I enjoy your blog and look forward to many more
And a very productive three years it’s been, too.
more stories would be nice… (hint)
*waves from the ether of the Ethernet*
Heyla, LawDog! Hope you don’t mind me going rather off topic here, but I’d like to pose a question to you. Due to your endorsement a few months back, I got myself a push-dagger for my self-defense arsenal. Now, although push daggers of this length are legal in TN, it might not be quite – how should I say it – prudent to carry it in plain view at all times. Do you have any suggestions for how to carry instruments of personal defense (knives or guns) on your person without unnecessarily freaking out Suzie Soccermom OR compromising easy access in case of mayhem?
Thanks for 3 years of really good writing. I really enjoy you stories and thoughts.
Happy anniversary!
Thank you.
You’ve always been a great read and although I don’t have the time anymore to make you a daily stop I do drop by when I can, I have never been disappointed.
I thank you for your efforts on this blog. I started with a story about a gecko, and then one about a snake, and then several about critters with only two legs, and then much more both entertaining and enlightening. You have made me laugh out loud in my cubicle when I should have been working.
I have not commented often, but I think about what you write after leaving your blog, which does not happen with many blogs I read.
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Congrats…and I’ve been a daily reader since day one. It’s a good read. I feel old, somehow…
Best Birthday Wishes to you also.
Congratulations, mind if I float around here?
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