Meditations on damnit.

I have always been able to rely on my body. Obnoxiously healthy, my carcass has shaken off some fairly dramatic trauma, and powered on through.

A little while ago, our family physician dragged me (kicking and screaming) into a physical and after all the poking and prodding pronounced that I was pre-diabetic.

I was … outraged.

I did some research on the World Wide Web, and armed with the results, went to get a second opinion from another doctor, well-respected in his field. He agreed with me that my results were on the low side of pre-diabetes. Matter-of-fact, my results could — maybe, if you squinted –be interpreted as being in the fuzzy area between normal and pre-diabetic.

However, he cautioned, seeing as how both of my grandfathers had diabetes, and at least one of my fathers brothers had the disease, I was (drum-roll, please) “pre-disposed”.

I was cautioned to exercise more, lay off the Dr Pepper, and to “stop eating like you’re still 18”.

A little after the first of 2010 I started noticing … problems. I was losing words. Trying to write was like sifting through porridge. I knew what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t figure out the words that were the structure to the ideas.

Then I started losing words in conversations. In the middle of a sentence, the next word in line would just sort of … fade away … leaving me to fumble about for a synonym.

You have no idea how good it is to write the word “synonym”.

About three months ago, I was down south on an overnight trip to pick up one of our wandering critters when I lost a jail.

I remember waking up in the motel in McAllen, Texas. I remember leaving the motel to drive to the Hidalgo County Jail, looking at the scenery and remarking, “Damn, that looks a lot like San Antonio.”

Baby Officer, who was driving, said, “That’s because it is San Antone, ‘Dog.”

When I turned to look at her to tell her, “Nice try”, I noticed that there was someone in the back seat of the cruiser.

Not only do I have absolutely no recollection of the four-hour, two-hundred and twenty mile trip from Edinburg to San Antonio, but — and this is the terrifying part for someone who memorizes floor-plans out of habit — I couldn’t tell you where the Hidalgo County jail is, what it looks like, where Intake is, who I talked to, or how I received our prisoner.

To this day: nothing.

When we got back to the S.O., I drove down to my Dr, walked in and said, “Something’s wrong.”

Fifteen minutes later, he waves the infamous Little Sample Cup in my general direction and announces, “Here’s your problem. This could be poured over pancakes. Go home. Nothing to eat after 10PM, be at the lab at 8 AM. Wear loose clothing.”

Long story short, six months after being diagnosed with pre-diabetes, I’m looking at full-on Diabetes, Type 2 (Non Insulin Dependent).


After three months of a low-carb diet, exercise, and metformin twice daily the general fogginess that somehow snuck up on me has gone away, and I think I’m back up to snuff.

Which is A Good Thing.


On this day ...
The Longest Day

71 thoughts on “Meditations on damnit.”

  1. I trust this means that, with meds and diagnosis in hand, you'll be favouring us more often with your thoughts.

    I'm a recovering heart attack / triple by-pass / cardiac arrest / pacemaker kind of guy. Gets you down, it does, but you can bounce back more than you'd credit.

    Hang tough.

  2. Hang in there and keep up the good work. I know it's not easy, been there, done that, but it's worth it. We've got heart problems in my family, which have prompted some significant changes here at Chateau St. Jean, but since I intend to live to enjoy retirement, it's worth it.

  3. LD, hope you avoided the explosive diarrhea that often accompanies starting Metformin. I was lucky, had a toilet nearby. Can't say I've ever experienced anything like that!

    Didn't know you were near SA. We should go shooting sometime.

  4. Dang, well at least you know what's going on and can keep tabs on it.

    And for some reason, it's always strange to see names from the valley (where I'm from) because when dealing with Texas you hear the major cities (SA, DFW, el Paso, Houston, Austin) and not much else unless you religiously watch Texas Country Reporter.

  5. Mr. Dog, Sorry to hear it. Glad you caught it early. Good luck.
    This is the first post of The LawDog Files I have been sorry to see, been wondering what happened to you
    Welcome aboard, anyhow.

  6. I was wondering why your usual prolific writing had changed so much.

    Now I'm of two minds. On the one hand, I'm ecstatic that you got a handle on this before it was too late. OTOH, if there's a God, He's got a messed up sense of humor. How about giving diabetes to someone who desrves it, and leaving the 'Dog alone?

    Ah, well…things are how they are. Good to see you're pulling things together.

  7. LawDog;

    It is vital for you to know the medical background of your relatives.

    In case LawMom has passed on, you and lil bro need to investigate this. Find out whom died of what.

    The past is what holds the key to the present. Maybe Brigid can explain it better than me?

    The term is "familial" and involves a genetic or gnome factor.
    It's be mapped by bio-medical researchers at UofT and elsewhere.

    I spent a humongous amount of time after my wife passed away trying to understand and research why she died.

    As it turned out, diabetes played a major role..and a past family history of heart disease.


  8. My father has it.. my mom..eats better than the rest of us but still has to take the metformin. I suspect myself that I'm a year or two short of having to give up most every thing I love to eat and regiment my own diet more.

  9. I'm a newcomer to reading blogs, I wish you the best of health, Sounds like they caught your problems early enough to help..I too have had bad episodes dealing with the heart (endocarditus) twice in 1 year..Thats been 5 years ago..They didnt think I was going to survive the 1st much less the second infection..But I'm still here and Thank God everyday..I look forward to reading your work in the future…

  10. Always suspected that you were sweeter on the inside than you allowed to show, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind. O.o

    Glad that you got it caught and started on treatment. After years of toting sick people around, my lungs aren't what they once were, but "better living through pharmacology" is more than just a term to deride junkies to me now.

  11. Welcome back my unmet friend. It's a new form of discipline that must be adhered to. It sucks but an awful lot of people have from what you have before it was ever caught.

  12. If you get a chance, get your testosterone levels checked. You're doc may, or may not, be aware of its role in utilizing blood sugar, but your large animal vet will.

    The goal is not to get turned into some juice head, just to get your levels back to a normal level for a young man.

  13. Mr 'Dog,
    My nugget of advice: Check your feet. Often. Regularly. Trim your nails with great care, or have a podiatrist do it. Wear good socks, and good shoes. Wear shoes outdoors. Treat and monitor any blister or other boo-boo with utmost care. At the first sign of inflammation or poor healing, hie thee to the aforementioned podiatrist.

    Why the very specific concern? I am an old veteran vascular technologist, and have seen the results of diabetic foot neglect. It ain't pretty, and sometimes results in the patient being buried in a shorter coffin than was expected.
    My dear wife has been a Type I juvenile diabetic since she was 10 years old. I will not compromise my beautiful bride's privacy with a description of her current condition.

    I hate diabetes.

    I too, welcome you back. Yours was the "blog" which showed me where the great American essayists had all gone.

    Watch your diet, exercise, etc; listen to your doctor. You're young, smart, and have good friends. You'll be fine.

    Enough from me already.

    Start typing.

    All my best wishes,

  14. I'm glad that you got diagnosed and appear to be doing better. Please, take care of yourself and do what the doctor says.
    I have a friend who is diabetic and does not take care of himself. This has resulted in a major personality change that makes it very difficult to be his friend (and it is costing him his marriage, IMO).

    This is also a reminder for me to take better care of myself. My father, grandfather, and all but one of my uncles died of heart disease. I am just a few years short of the age at which my father had his first heart attack. I do not want to leave my wife so soon, so I need to start eating better and getting some exercise.

  15. Having dealt with my own life & lifestyle threatening disease in the past year I can relate sir – glad you are pulling through and hang in there. The alterations get easier over time as we make new habits.

  16. Family history of it here, too. Glad you got diagnosed before you needed shots, glad things are looking better and very glad that you are returning to your usual, charming, er, approachable, no, hmmm, canny and Celtic self.


  17. The next challenge is Ageabous Brainiferii Deteriator. There is no medication other than retracing one's steps and sitting down on a hard chair. The pressure pushes the notion back into the gray goo that used to be one's brain.


  18. I'd figured that life was getting in the way of blogging, though that wasn't the kind of "life" that I was expecting!

    Glad to hear you're feeling so much more like your old self now.

  19. I was diagnosed last summer – fasting blood sugar around 350. Started on 3 Metformin a day an 10ml of insulin.

    Also started NutriSystem's Diabetic plan.

    Had to drop on Metformin after about a month. Lost 50lbs in six months and was doing fine.

    Then I lost my day job and six weeks later I found out that place was poisoning me – all of a sudden I couldn't keep my numbers up. First they dropped one Metformin, then the shot, then finally the last one so now I'm back to 'pre-diabetic' again. Watch what I eat and keep an eye on my blood sugar.

    There are a lot of cookbooks with some really good recipies – including a good slow cooker one so you can come home to a good meal.

    You're used to discipline in other areas so you shouldn't have much trouble here.

    The one good thing about diabetes is that you can almost ignore it, just so long as you never ignore it.

  20. You have what it takes to manage it and stay healthy, unlike my East Texas relations. Most of them end up in a short coffin by the age of 55. Don't let that happen to you. TX needs more peace officers like you, not less.

  21. My late husband developed Type II diabetes at age 31. He did NOT do as he was told, and he died at age 44. The 'official' cause of death was cancer; however, they were unable to treat the cancer aggressively because of the diabetes being so out of control. PLEASE follow your doctor's instructions.

  22. welcome to the club Brother!
    I never got the "Thick enough to pour over pancakes" diagnosis. Doc just kept sending me out for diagnosis until he got the one he expected.

    Actually I was donating Plasma until they told me my blood sugar was through the roof, and they recommended I see my doc.

    I can't say it was a surprise, My mom's family was top heavy with diabetic diagnoses.

  23. Dawg, diet & exercise will stave off the insulin best. DH was Tpye 2 diagnosed a few years ago, but eventually his pancreas just quit making insulin, so now he is insulin dependent. Also be advised that being on the Metformin and the other diabetic meds WILL cause you to gain weight…which is counterproductive to your health as a diabetic…vicious circle there…


  24. Glad to hear you caught it, and things are on the mend… Revise your life and get back out there! 🙂

    WV-redialog Yep, you're having that with your body right now!

  25. It's good to hear you are feeling more like yourself. I hope you are able to keep your sugar levels under control with diet easily. It took me a while to get mine under control and keep them steady, but it was well worth it once life became normal again.

    If you need ideas on exercises to help keep yourself fit, you might try taking apart stoves and cleaning them with a toothbrush.

  26. Re: insulin meds making you gain weight.

    Byetta. It's new. It's expensive. It's a needle. Good luck getting your insurer to pay for it. But most people on it shed weight like mad.

    (incidentally, I learned about it chasing blogroll links from here, and ended up at MDOD, where one of the docs was talking about wanting to prescribe it to all Type IIs)

  27. Glad you're back up to speed. Diabetis runs in my family so I know a fair amount about it but being adopted not predisposed to it.

    The doc did make me go in and get all kinds of blood work because I was nearing 50 and hadn't had any done in years. He gave me the stern lecture about losing 20 pounds eating better, etc, etc. My numbers came back. Total cholesteral 105. BAD cholesteral 28. Blood Sugar, low 90's. He admitted I was in good shape and asked my secret. I said.

    Beer. Bacon. It's simple (OK, and genetics.) Glad you're taking good care of yourself, we want you around for a long time.

  28. I hate to say welcome to the club Mr Lawdog. I am going second the comments about weight gain. in the year after being diagnosed I gained almost 100 pounds despite diet and exercise. (my blood sugars were better than my doctors).

    also, the byetta. there is evidence that it can trigger massive (as in fatal) Pancreatitis. at least 6 deaths and probably quite a few more. (I was almost a more) you get that, no more alcohol (never again a cold beer on a hot day or a glass of good single malt), no more spicy food and you worry about every single stomach pain because you do not ever want that kind of pain again. ever.

    plus side, it worked like a wonder. one shot a day, good to go.
    much more temp stable than insulin.

    do what the doc says, find a GOOD diabetes educator, get a medic alert bracelet (the real one, not over the counter)

    now Fate owes us 2 explanations.

  29. Not good news, Dawg, but at least you only lost a jail. I totaled a car.

    Just do the diet and exercise, bro, (hey, at least is's an excuse to avoid chairbutt!), and keep on being who you are.

    I'm lucky, Mrs. Guido is learning about how my diet works, and is helping me stay with it. (It helps that she likes it, too, although she does lead me into temptation with desserts sometimes!).

    Later daze, bud.

  30. This is good to know, that you are back in shape.

    I have been hypoglycemic all my life (71 years of it, so far.) Within the past couple of years, they have decided that hypoglycemic is the same as hyperglycemic. I'm not sure how they got the two greek prefixes combined to one, but …

    Just don't get between me and my chocolate!

    Hang in there, lad. You will prevail.


  31. Glad you are back,

    hang in there.

    take the meds and exercise.


  32. I'm with you up to a point. I got that same "pre-diabetic" news from my doc in April. I'm on the low side too.

    I've started walking a mile or two several times a week, heat permitting and have lost a little weight. I'm due for another check in August and we'll see if the A1C is down, same or up.

    Crap. I hate taking pills. Never can remember to do it consistently.

  33. Sorry to hear of your troubles. Hopefully, diet, exercise and meds will keep you right.

  34. Welcome to the club! Mine is controlled with Metformin x2 daily and has been for some 4 or 5 years now. I only check my blood every 3rd day (that is all the V.A. will pay for) but it is consistently in the "OK" range. No biggie guy. Hang in there and take care of yerself.

  35. Lawdog,

    Glad you caught it before it something more serious happened! Having a predisposition to such myself, as well as a tendency to run hot on the cholesterol, I'd been cooking healthy for years before I met my Calmer Half – which is good for him, too!

    Take care o' yourself, and remember that 'healthy' doesn't have to mean bland or boring food – so don't stand for that rice cake and tasteless dry chicken breast stuff, okay? That only works a while, and I sincerely want you to have a long, healthy, happy life.

    Glad to hear you're better, and I pray you'll stay that way.

  36. Yea diabetes isn't something you can just shrug off like a broken leg or something. It'll flat mess you up. And no matter how good you're feeling check your levels every day. I stopped checking for a while. Got to take a short ride in an ambulance when I couldn't left my head off my desk one day.

    I won't welcome you to the club because I don't think it's one anyone wants to join.

  37. Ugh. Been there; done that—well, not the losing the jail part, but the "You're a diabetic–live differently now" part. Think of it as the Universe yelling at you, "Cliff! You're standing on the edge of a cliff! Back up NOW!"

    I'm glad you're taking it seriously and doing better. Keep up the good work.

  38. I went through this a little over a year ago. I'm down to normal levels now, but will probably be on Metformin and Glipizide the rest of my life. My A1c, right when they caught it was 14+….

    I have some pretty good recipes…and diet Dr. Pepper isn't that bad when you compare it to Diet Pepsi.

  39. LawDog:
    Take cinnamon pills (easier than chewing the stuff all the time) with every meal, including snacks! Cinnamon has helped me to lower my sugar levels. Please stay on the NO-Carb diet, add lettuce. Exercise. PRAY to the ONE who can fix anything. Duck the bullets, too.

    Ulises from CA.

  40. Jesus, Harold, and Maude, type-II? I knew something wasn't right.

    Well, I'm very glad that you are getting back to normal Dawg-dom.

    THAT being said:

    This could be poured over pancakes. Dass juss gross;)


  41. Lawdog,
    I know you will get on top of this. My wife developed it recently (50+) and uses Byetta. Twice a day, did lose a shedload of #'s but has stabilized. You can do the occasional indulgence, but do as folks say and check it daily. I know how to do eggs forty- eleven different ways now, as I make her breakfast daily. Maybe she won't run me off after all…
    Good luck, mate

  42. Hey Dog
    Glad your'e doing better.
    Your blog on stopping power probably saved my butt.

  43. Strict low carb will work. Do a net search on low carb and diabetes. JN

  44. I'm an adult-onset Type I, caused by damage to my pancreas.

    I know the exact foggy feeling you're talking about.

  45. I'm glad they've caught it and you're getting better. OTOH, you're younger than me, and from what I recall in much better shape. I'd best get on the stick.

    Thanks for the cautionary tale.

  46. If your doctor isn't an endocrinologist – I suggest you use an endo instead of a family doctor.

    If you are taking Metformin, be sure to get some food in your stomach before taking it.

    Also if you have to take more than 2 or 3 Metformin a day I suggest taking a one shot a day of Lantus (insulin) and reducing the number of Metformin pills.

    Glad to see you back!


  47. LawDog,
    At least they caught it! I had been diabetic for 2+ years and didn't know it. They found it when I started losing feeling in the tips of my toes! That was in '98. NO family history of it, talk about blind-sided! Now on more meds than I can count, but still don't have to take insulin… Byetta (aka "Lizard Spit" since it was derived from Gila Monster venom) worked for a month, then made me extremely nauseous. Now using Januvia, which seems to be working fine. Glad you are back to writing, missed your posts and your quirky humor!

  48. My sympathies, Lawdog. Diabetes (any type) ranks very high on the "Sucks To Have This" scale.

    Good: you caught it early.

    Not so good (AIUI): you only caught it after it started producing significant symptoms. That is, it started producing obvious symptoms very fast.

    I am not diabetic myself, and Gaea willing I never will be. I have, however, known several diabetics, both Type I and Type II. From them I have divined two basic rules:



    (Or to quote Gibbs's Rule 8: don't believe everything you're told. Always double-check.)

    Most of the time, most doctors get the diagnosis and suggested treatment right. But diabetes is a damn tricky disease, or set of diseases, and can show a lot of subtle differences from person to person. You have to take an active role in your treatment, even more so than usual.

    And don't believe anybody who says they know how to cure diabetes. Can't be done.

    And good luck t'ye.

  49. We were starting to worry on this end, glad to hear you've nipped it in the bud!

    Besides, I can't see you getting smacked around by some ***** disease like diabetes anyhow 😉

  50. Hang tough Lawdog. The battle lasts a lifetime, one day at a time. Never give up, never give in.
    We've missed your sage words and viewpoints. Glad you're back in the saddle. Take care of yourself.

  51. Glad to hear that you've figured out what the problem was Dog! I moved from EMS to law enforcement a little over a year ago and was diagnosed with type II diabetes last September. I went to night shift shortly thereafter and cut my meals to two per day. Throw in taking my Janumet twice a day and you have a recipe for dropping 20+ lbs. My test results have markedly improved and while I'm still taking my pills, at least I'm not having to take insulin yet. I've been reading your blog for a while now and am a big fan of your writing. Hope to be seeing more tales of Bugscuffle, Tx very soon.

  52. a) Sorry to hear of your health problems.

    b) Glad to hear you've got them under control.

    c) I really hope (for your and everyone else's sake) that you don't suffer the same side effect from metformin that my coworker does.

    Let's just say it can make certain natural functions that are normally fragrant … extremely so.

    When the man expels a little gas roaches leave the room. He thinks it's funny. When someone complained he showed them his prescription and the list of possible side effects and told them to get over it. *sigh*

  53. Sorry to hear of your health problems, hope you get them under control.

    If I may be so impertenient as to make 2 suggestions, 1)Please consider getting a 2nd opinion. Since a diagnosis has been made I would suggest going to a univerity/teaching type hospital that has a specality clinic for diabetic care and that is ranked in or near the top 100 in the US (at the upper levels there is not much difference IMHO), doesn't need to be a hospital either. Not for routine care but just as a double check and because they are in a better position to pointing out new ideas for treatment/lifestlye changes/possible drug interactions etc… They are not better doctors they are just in a position to get better and newer data and they tend to go deeper into the problems since they specalize on only one type of disease. After they get done keep with the MD you prefer unless there is a problem. Your local MD know you as a person which helps a LOT in long term care. Do not worry about insulting either physcian by seing the other "No good doctor ever complains about a patient getting a 2nd opinion"

    2)Keep a complete and up to date copy of your medical records at home.

    The above opinions are from working in health care for the last 38 years and and is worth exactly what you paid for it, i.e. nothing 🙂

    Best wishes
    PS I had wondered why your blogging had decreased so drasticly.

  54. Dearest Dog,

    Also Type 2 here. I have lost 84lbs since then and have maybe 30-40 yet to go. Thats the good news. The bad news is that I am completely out of control with no reading less than 200 recently. I see the endorinologist tomorrow.

    One out of 18 Americans is diabetic. It is the unseen epidemic. You have just joined our ranks.

    Diabetes is a disease of the blood. And as every part of your body is nourished by the blood, every part of your body is also affected by diabetes. The only way to defeat this thing is to kick it in the nuts: be VERY aggressive in your approach to it. Obey your doctors in a way that you have never obeyed anyone.

    I might also point out that insulin is a well-known neurotransmitter…it helps the brain function. Sooner or later most diabetics become depressed. Be aware of this and confess all to your doctor frequently. S/he may start you on a mild anti-depressant. I was amazed at how my attitudes changed when I started mine.

    Keep writing Dog.

  55. And did your doctor syrup his pancakes with your urine? And did I just use the word "syrup" as a verb??

  56. Glad to hear you got diagnosed. Sorry to hear that you are diabetic. Take the classes if you can, nutrition and such, they can really help.
    I am glad to see you writing again.

  57. I see some took my comments the wrong way. The club I welcomed you to is a large one shared by way too many people who share this illness. It is a large club partly because it isn't THAT hard to keep yourself in the proper zone simply by changing your diet. As others pointed out, those changes do NOT mean bland, tasteless food! I eat what I want, for the most part, but I eat the right foods in the right amounts. Watch your calories and eat balanced meals. If you want to eat a small slice of cake, go for it ONCE in a while. Make up for it by skipping your next sweet and replacing it with a healthy snack. Diet Dr Pepper is my best friend. Water would be better but I would cheat like crazy if I tried to drink ONLY water. Not only that, when I cheated, it would bore likely be with something worse like "Real" Coke (the drink)! I may have come off as flippant in my 1st post but I am not. This is NOT a death sentence. It is a warning. It CAN be lived with and even better, it CAN be beat! My whole point, in MUCH shorter form, was that this is not an ending in your life but a beginning. Take care and live long and healthy.

  58. Hey, Dawg;

    Been missing your musings, and wondered what was up. Sorry to hear that all is not well in Dawgland, but you can beat this stuff into submission, if you try!

    The Boss is an insulin-dependent, semi-compliant diabetic, and has a bad habit of taking meds and not eating, or vice versa. Don't play that game, it's dangerous either way. And be careful, it's not always how MUCH your blood sugar drops, it's also HOW FAST. Keep a few tubes of glucogel or some such handy, it works faster than twinkies, and with less aggravation.

    Give 'em hell, and take no prisoners!!

    Best wishes,


  59. OI! if it helps just remember "Dogs" are meat eaters all that sugar is not good for you (and don't forget to eat enough of that green stuff).
    whenever you can take stairs and give the rats a couple extra seconds of freedom (okay joke:-)).

  60. Welcome to my world too. Check your blood every day and write down the readings. Next trip to the doc give him the journal. It will help him get it right. It will also let you know what you can and can not get away with diet wise. Also you will lose weight taking metformin at first, unfortunately it will be muscle and not necessarily fat that you lose. Plan accordingly.

    Life goes on, deal with it. :>)

  61. Okay, so I'm *not* diabetic. But I do own a cat who is. (Yeah, weird, huh?) Apparently, it's pretty common in older, overweight cats, and her highness certainly qualifies.

    Everybody here has offered great advice…including those cinnamon pills, which my mother-in-law swears by (she's a non-insulin-dependent diabetic).

    One thing that not a lot of folks know about is activated vitamin B12, the methylcobalamin form of B12. When our cat was diagnosed as being diabetic (she gets insulin shots twice a day), she also suffered from severe diabetic neuropathy. She couldn't feel her feet, and would hobble around the house putting her weight all the way back to her hock joint on her back legs. After doing some research on feline diabetes (blood glucose is measured the same way as humans), we learned that methylcobalamin B12 had been shown to help treat diabetic neuropathy. It helps restore circulation (and thus feeling) to the extremities.

    On the offchance that you ever have that particular problem, I can tell you that methylcobalamin B12 will fix it. You have to take rather large doses (our 20-lb cat was on three 5000mcg tablets a day), but it will reverse the effects. The cat walks just fine these days, and I haven't had to keep her on the meds. It works.

    Here's hoping you suffer no further ill effects…and welcome back. I've missed you.

  62. Well dammit. I missed your updates over the last little bit, and am glad to hear you are doing well.

    Having said that… my memory sucks and now I am concerned.

    "I was losing words…" gave me shivers.

    I need to stop eating all that crap…

  63. Dawg – Hang in there. Sounds like you are doing okay so far, but I recommend reading the South Beach Diet Book, which helped me a lot in thinking about what I was eating. I'm hypoglycemic, and no-one (not even my doc) ever pointed out to me the way that carbs metabolize like straight-up sugar, so I didn't think anything about eating bread and taters, and then wondered why I was crashing so bad…
    Anyways, best of luck, and I'm glad to see you back. I missed your posts these last several months.

  64. Join the club – but i found that with absolute discipline about eating and lots of exercise I'm back to normal
    Good luck and God bless you

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