7 thoughts on “Larry Correia’s new book”

  1. Book is also available from the Baen.com website.

    If you enjoyed Correira's first book, you want to get this one. Seriously. Continues the story and cast of characters, and you end up not hating Agent Franks so much.

    I enjoyed it.

    Sandy Eggan

  2. I have read it. Let me say this. If you haven't read Monster Hunter International yet..then what the hell are you waiting for? Get thee to the nearest bookstore, or amazon and buy both MHI AND MHV now.

  3. Bought the book from Baen's website at 3 PM yesterday, finished the book at 8 PM. Enjoyed the hell out of this one.

  4. I have the first on my nightstand, where I've read it twice.

    Great read. Looking forward to the new one very much.

  5. Larry sent me both books, autographed, along with the MHI patch, and I read both of them in two days and 8 hours of sleep altogether. I couldn't put the books down. The storylines kept me on the edge of my seat and I kept saying to myself, "Well, I didn't see THAT coming," with the plot twists. I can't wait for Monster Hunter Alpha to come out.

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