Thank you

As a Gentle Reader commented, I have the best readership.

Nana had a good meal on Wednesday, with a good dessert — always her favourite part — talked with the staff and other residents, and watched a movie on the telly before going to bed.

Thursday morning, she couldn’t be woken up.

She was unresponsive for several days, allowing family to say their goodbyes, and then at 0955 hours on Monday 06DEC2010, Death came quietly and kindly and Nana simply … slipped away.

We will be laying her next to Granda in the family plot on Saturday.

Again, I thank you, and my family thanks you, for your kind words and thoughts.


A little military Christmas humour:
Requiscat in pacem

49 thoughts on “Thank you”

  1. A sad thought, but at the same time, isn't that the best way to go? Quietly, no fuss, surrounded by family? Much like packing up before going on another great adventure.

  2. Well, that was quite a generation she came from. Daddy was born two years after her, and it has often crossed my mind to consider the changes they lived thru and the history they made. Very sorry to hear about your loss. We are, as they say, diminished, but, miles better because of them.


  3. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. If there is anything at all we can do to help all you have to do is call. You have our number.
    Love you

  4. Glad it was peaceful. It's never fun to let a loved one go. You're in my thoughts and prayers during this time.

  5. I vividly remember several of your posts over the years about this amazing woman. The "some discomfort" over a broken hip comes to mind. What a great legacy.

    My sympathies to you and your family.

  6. Sounds like a good end. Thank you for sharing a little bit about her with us!

  7. Condolences, 'dawg, and a toast to a live lived well & fully.

  8. She will live forever in your memories of her.May she Rest In Peace.

  9. 'Dog
    Man I am so sorry to here of this I have been busy of late and just dropped by for the first time in about a week.She is in a much better place brother , one we all hopefully will get to.You and yours will be in my prayers.

  10. Our condolences on the loss of your family member. I'm glad to see she had a long full life, and was appreciated and loved by a wonderful family.

  11. If I were have any say in how I am to depart this mortal coil I don't think I could choose better than that.


  12. I'm so sorry. May her memory be a blessing to you all. My grandfather was born the same year she was, and told me stories of milking the family cow, and of trying to keep her hidden after Indianapolis passed a city ordinance forbidding people to keep "farm animals" within the city limits. I wish I could have heard some of your grandmother's tales – she sounds like she was quite an amazing woman.

  13. Condolences to you and your family for your loss. She will always be remembered in your heart and to everyone else by the wonderful stories to be told about her.

  14. Prayers for you and yours…losing lived ones is difficult…seems they always depart just a little while before you're really ready to turn them loose…

  15. Deepest condolences on the loss of your gran. Our thoughts are with you and yours.

  16. I am envious of the time you've had with your Gram. The last of my grandparents passed when I was 17 and we never lived close enough to visit more than once a year. There are so many questions I wish I could have asked them about their lives and never had the chance. Cherish the memories you have and God bless your family in this time.

  17. LD, I'm so sorry to read of your loss. She sounds like she was one heck of a lady. A bit like my grandmother, in fact.

    Cherish the memories, and remember to be thankful for the years you had with her.

  18. Thank you for sharing her with us, Mr. Dog. Kind thoughts and prayers headed your way.

  19. They are never truly gone, as long as you remember them. We lost the last of my grandparents 8 years ago, yet they are still with me everyday, reminding me of the lessons they taught me to be a better person.

    Our prayers are with you, LD.

  20. My sympathies, Lawdog. My gran died pretty much the same way and time. We're laying her to rest this Saturday as well. They've moved on to a better place now.

  21. My condolences to you and your family on the death of your Gran. She sounds like someone I would have loved to know.

  22. You can generally tell something about the measure of folks according to those they leave behind, and the way they're remembered.

    I didn't know your grandma, but just following along with the stories that get recounted, she sure seems to have left good impressions in the folks' lives she touched.

    I'm sorry for your loss, but glad she left such an influence on your family.

  23. Lawdog,
    Will be thinking of you and yours tomorrow, as your family lays Nana to rest.
    Imagine us all standing beside you, if you will…in spirit, anyway.

  24. Her life is worth remembering above any discomfort over her death.

    RIP, Nana. I wish I could have known you.

  25. LawDog, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know this Christmas will probably be tough without Nana around, but remember that she would want you guys to have fun. Enjoy yourselves, remember her in your celebrations, and wish you and your family peace.

  26. LD, I am so terribly sorry to hear this.
    Bless you and your family.

  27. Lawdog, I am saddened by your loss, and your family will be in our prayers. The way she touched your life is evidenced by your writings of her. In these writings and your memories she will always remain, until your paths cross again.

    God Bless. Derius

  28. For what it's worth, you have the condolences of a complete stranger who reads your blog.

    God speed her to her rest.

  29. You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. She will live on in the memories and family stories – laugh and enjoy them.
    LBC and Family

  30. My condolences to you, 'Dog. Look at it this way, Jesus' day just got a whole lot more interesting, I'd say…..

  31. Yeah, Phyphor. You have no idea. This is the lady who fell, split her forehead open, and when it was explained to her that the two young men with the stretcher had come to take her to get stitched up, looked them over and said, "Well! If I'd known they were coming, I'd have fallen sooner."

  32. May you and yours continue to celebrate her life, wit and wisdom in your thoughtful remembrances of Nana.

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