Ted Gundy is a veteran of World War 2. He fought as a sniper through the Battle of the Bulge until he zigged when zagging was called for and snagged a German shell with his right leg.
He recently sent an e-mail to the producer and host of the Outdoor Channel‘s Shooting USA programme, asking about the intricacies of making a thousand-yard shot.
The result of that e-mail is here:
Grab a kleenex or two, the air is going to be a wee bit dusty in your area.
84 years old. 1000 yards. Five inch group.
It is not yet my birthday, for a couple of weeks, yet. However, you, sir, have presented me with a marvelous gift. I started shooting 1000 yard competition in 1948, shortly after this man was returned from his service. A Rock Island 03-A3 with Lyman triple peep sights was all I could afford, choosing between upgrading the sights or buying ammo.
Thank you, Sir.
That was brilliant. What an incredible thing to do for the old gentleman.
And a 5 inch group at a thousand years? For a guy who probably hasn't shot in years? Without missing? I'm in awe.
At this point I'd be happy if I could repeat the 2" groups at 200 I could shoot when I was 15. That was amazing.
DAMN, he's (still) good!
And yes, I needed my tissues, but not because of "dust in the air
I saw this and had tears in my eyes… The Sgts hosting him did an OUTSTANDING job, and they were truly impressed…
Impressive on all counts.
Now that's a story worth telling.
You could see that he was tickled pink!
Stay. Off. His. Lawn…
HOO RAH, good sir. HOORAH.
He may have been modest, but that old man still had a few things to show those young pups.
3 head shots at 1000 yards.
I don't think he was "accidentally high" on center of mass.
Amazing. My eyes are strangely damp. I guess it's the realization that respect is still alive here in America. Once a brother always a brother.
Hoo-AH! Indeed.
1. Looked like one mil of left windage for slight breeze and sun from left.
2. Astoundingly good shooting.
3. Once we started shooting back farther than 800 yards, things got slightly screwy.
4. That was with M40A1's and Lake City Match .762(a flyer in every box).
5. Clearly, things have advanced over the last 35 or so years.
6. God Bless Mr. Gundy and the folks from the AMU.
7. Makes me feel good all over.
V/R JWest
Outstanding! Thanks for this excellent notice LD.
Dr. Joe
Had REAL men back then.
Paul in Texas
No way I can shoot that well, and for damn sure, not with this tear in my eye.
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Me again 🙂 I have been looking for a way to contact you but have come up empty handed. I would appreciate if you contacted me via my blog
God bless you Ted Gundy.
I'd be happy if I hit what I aimed for at 100 yards at that age.
Hell, I'll be happy to still be alive at that age.
How did all of this dust get into my office, anyway?
Dang, I should have known to heed your warning and not watch this at work. I've got officers wandering into my office asking "whats wrong with your eyes today Sarge", "Allergies dammit, get out in your car".
I saw the episode, it was an incredible of Shooting USA/Impossible Shots to do that.
You gave honor where honor is due. This was glorious to watch – Thanks for sharing it.
Verrrrry dusty.
I don't know if the AMU presented him with the black hat before or after he made his shots, but I think Mr. Gundy pretty clearly demonstrated that it wasn't an honorary presentation in his case: he EARNED it. Can you imagine this guy when he was REALLY in his prime???
Yes, sir. We're losing more and more of that great generation to the point that I consider our surviving WWII vets as being "National Treasures."
But we also have some danged good men and women doing the job for us today. Whenever I see or meet these outstanding young people, I make every effort to shake their hand, thank them, and tell them that their generation of veterans is making our generation of veterans proud.
From a fellow Texan and An Ordinary American.
the entire half-hour episode has been uploaded, in two parts, on youtube:
Thought you might like to see it. It's worth watching.
I sorta feel sorry for the German soldiers he faced. Sorta. At least they never knew what hit them.