My brother Chris is a proto-gunnie. He has a couple of .22 rifles, a 4-inch .357 Ruger, and an 1899 Mauser; but guns are pretty much like the air he breathes — something he takes for granted and doesn’t really notice until you point out an interesting one.
Since he has a degree in Humanities, with a minor in History, “interesting” usually means an old gun, with an old military gun being a gold star. The 1899 Argentinian Mauser (which used to be mine) mentioned above is a prime example.
A couple of days ago, I got an outraged call from him asking if cops were actually allowed to commit felonies. A bit non-plussed, I stated that that was actually a bit of a sticky wicket,and could he point out the felony in question?
Turns out, he has discovered the ATF malfeasance in Project Gunrunner.
Anyhoo, I pointed out that he had a very good question, and one that I really couldn’t answer.
Today I discover that not only does he Get It, but that he dashed off a quote that will probably be showing up in .sig lines all over the Internet:
“Oh, and why is there a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms anyway? That makes as much sense as having a Bureau of Coal, Petroleum and Citrus Fruit.”
Snerk. I’m so proud.
Hey, in Iran they call it the Department to Promote Virtue and Prevent Vice.
ATF I guess is easier to say than DPVPV.
I remember back in the '90's when I was reading Time Magazine and somebody wrote to them and said, of ATF, "give 'em all the alcohol and tobacco they want; just don't give 'em any firearms."
Or, even more to the point, "As much sense as a Bureau of Heroin, Cocaine, and Journalism."
Love the quote! And for what it's worth, if a cop does something they're lawfully allowed to do in carrying out their duties, it's not a felony… even if it would've been if I'd done it.
But coal is a Dangerous Substance–surely we need a bureau to carefully regulate it???
I told him I wanted to be a CPCF agent.
Where do I go to apply?
What would he think about a Type 30 Arisaka?
About the ATF…he is wise in the ways of the Force…you have trained him well.
Also, that bit about the garden gnome cracks me up every time I see it.
Yep, that one is a keeper… 🙂
Right up there with Kim DuToits "Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms ought to be a convenience store not a government agency."
Rey B
Where else would the felons work?
Ulises from CA
Or they could call it the Bureau of Items that are heavily over-taxed and over-regulated.
WV = natstyr
What the future will be.
1891 or 1909 Argentine? There was no model 1899. There was a 1889 Belgian, which used the 7.65×53 cartridge the Argentines also used, but those are many hundreds of dollars…
1891, in 7.65 x 53. I mis-remembered.
We ought to ban toasters too! For the children!
Sounds like your brother is a prime candidate for a C&R license. Have you ever mentioned that to him?
"It's for the children."
If you go back 30 years and consider what all a lot of us grew up with and it's a wonder any of us are alive today. When I was a kid, a kid was more or less expected to have a wrist rocket and/or Red Ryder. I had both *and* I rode in the back of the pickup. Hey, it was cool at the time.
Well, it does make sense to keep all of my favorite things in one place . . .
But we do have a "Bureau of Coal, Petroleum and Citrus Fruit," albeit not in quite so many words.
It's called the Environmental Protection Agency.
But BCPCF would be a much better name, wouldn't it?
–Wes S.
I proposed the WITHDLDG Commission.
*. That's" the where in the hell did lawdog go" commission. Two weeks plus and not a word. If he thinks the cons in the lock up are testy just because he wrote something in ballpoint, us readers are getting plain exasperated at his petulance in posting a new tale of life in Texas.
"Oh, and why is there a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms anyway? "
For the same reason they used to call them "revenooooers" -money!
Didn't know else to get this to you. Sumdood on video!