This time last year, I was getting ready to take my math credit course at a local community college, and I needed a pad for working out my algebra problems. LawDog gallantly gave me one of his half-used old notebooks and I used the remainder for my scribblings. Today I was going through my backpack, making ready for my Anatomy and Physiology I class which begins Tuesday and I pulled out the old notebook. In my frenzy for the subject last year, I never read what Himself had written in the beginning of the notebook, and today I find rich meat-food lay therein. Of course, occasionally, someone says in person (or I note in his comments) that he should publish a volume, and though I do not nag, I will mention the same about once a year or so. I’m not kidding when I say I held my sides with mirth whilst reading some of his notes taken in class. I implored and he conceded to allow me to post just one here, and I must say I feel guilty hoarding the rest of the lot to myself. I hope you’ll enjoy this tiny taste:
“Be the guiding light.” Hell, I’m usually the on-coming train. And I’m good at it. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it.
Hehehe, I happen to agree with that one 🙂
I suppose it depends on where you are in relation to the train tracks…
Please publish some of these lovely nuggets of wisdom.
Pretty please with sugar on top?
A treasure trove!
Dang…. I likes! Makes me want to snag that lovely bit and use it for a signature line. It's priceless!