Miss Mochi

As those Gentle Readers who follow my lady’s blog already know, Herself and I have adopted another furball.

Allegedly she is a chiweenie, has received the appellation of Mochi (although to me she seems to be mo’ weenie than chi, but there you go), and has settled into our little pack with a minimum of fuss, bother and bleeding.

Since the bleeding was all me, I’m fairly grateful for that.

She is a puppy — less than six months old — and it’s been long enough since I was around a puppy that it’s almost like learning all over again. The gnawing upon any and everything handy was a bit of a shock, truth be told.

Mochi seems to have four settings: “Sleep”; “Snuggle”; “Investigate!”; and “I’m Gonna Kick Yer Arse!”, and I honestly can’t figure out if this is another puppy trait I’m just not remembering, or it’s a doxie thing, or if just all Miss Mochi — but she simply will not back down from a fight. Even if the opposition masses over three times her body-weight.

I think the desperate desire for snuggling is probably the result of having been taken from her mother and chained to a post in a trailer-park back-yard to be ignored except for dumping some food into her bowl every so often — a rant for another time — but I could be wrong.

She has a bit of an over-bite — not as bad as some I’ve seen — but she’s doesn’t know she’s any different, and certainly doesn’t let it slow her down; and she’s a bit puzzled about this whole “house-training” thing.

All-in-all, an absolute darling little dog, and I think we’re lucky to have her.


Ask not for what the scarab rolls
That one's going to leave a mark

13 thoughts on “Miss Mochi”

  1. Yes, you both will be blessed by your rescue of Mochi and also blessed with laughter at her antics.


  2. Doxihuahua then? Puppies are a mess but a cute and delightful mess. And then they grow up to be dogs, mans worthy companions.

  3. It is sad what mankind does to the one species that has been at our side for 12,000 years or so.

    All 6 of my K9s are rescues. All have distinct personalities and provide much amusement and affection. (and some work and expense, but it's worth it.)

  4. yeah folks and canines

    there is a story about a k9 officer that had his partner injured by a Critter. After said critter was caught and "shot while resisting arrest" the officer got to the point where he accounted for his expended ammo
    Shots fired: XX
    Shots hitting intended target: YY
    Reason for number of shots:


  5. Not backing down is definitely a dachshund trait. They were bred to go after burrowing creatures and are absolutely fearless.

  6. Like Randy said, but with detail… they were bread to go after badgers. "Dachshund" means "badger dog" in German. You have to be touch and crazy to go after a badger.


  7. It's a Doxie thing I think, mine will go after dogs that are enough bigger than him that the only way he could inconvenience them is if he got stuck in their throat as they were swallowing him whole.

  8. I would have to assume the readers who commented ahead of me are right on her tenacity being a dachshund trait.

    I have cats.

    They will attack imaginary things.

  9. It's a doxy trait. They can't turn around, so they can't back down 🙂

  10. It's not the size of the dog in the fight…..it's the size of the fight in the dog. All of mine are rescues, dogs and cats. The last little kitten I took in, had a broken leg, hellish vet bill, she's already caught 3 mice. Pay back.

  11. A classmate of mine had a full-sized dachsie that decided to "save her" from the neighbor's mastiff. Classmate ended up holding Huey over her head and carrying him back indoors to keep him from trying to kill the (very bemused) mastiff.


  12. Not backing down may be a doxie trait, but Miss Mochi is doubly blessed. Chihuahuas have no idea that they're only six inches high, and will express their displeasure at critters that would make a mastiff hesitate.

  13. As one of my e-friends puts it: "Chihuahuas have a bit of an attitude problem, but I forgive them for it. Having the instincts of a wolf in a body the size of a rat can't be good for the ego."

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