
I’ve been receiving some comments and more than a bit of e-mail stating that Bloggers new anti-spam reverse Turing test was hard to read.

So, a couple of days ago I finally figured out how to turn it off.

Holy gods!

The spam filter has bloody well exploded, and that’s not counting the spam that the filter doesn’t catch.

I had no idea the spam comments were that prevalent.



Somebody alert Tallahassee from Zombieland.
What the hell?

12 thoughts on “Wow!”

  1. You should swing by Tam's place. Her spam-bots leave some lovely poetry and dropped a rather nice one today.

    Very vivid imagery.

  2. I found the way to kill most of it is to turn comments off after about a week on the previous posts… I dropped mine from 100 a day to maybe 75 a WEEK.

  3. I had some people mention the same problem, so turned it off; BLEEP!

    Effing amazing, it is.

  4. Oh I hate the freaking things but with everyone that does spam and trolls the more popular blogs…sometimes I do think it's necessary. Even with as much as I despise the damn thing.

  5. Which is why I have comment moderation on. You however have a life, so that wouldn't work for you, unless you wanted to be slaved to the 'puter all the time. 🙂

  6. Yes, I turned mine off some months ago, and was promptly swamped with spam.

    Like Old NFO, I limited unmoderated comments to only the first three days after a post went up, and that cut down significantly on spam; but even so, it got so bad that a few weeks ago I turned CAPTCHA verification back on again.

    It's harder for my readers, but the only way I could cope with the volume of dreck being lobbed my way from India, China and Nigeria.


  7. This a metaphor for what you get when postage is free.

    Now simply substitute "transportation", "housing", or "healthcare" for "postage".

    One could begin to see Darwin and Malthus as friends.


  8. I find the CAPTCHA impossible to read. Many a witty comment went untyped after three or four frustrating attmpts to read the #$%^ thing.

  9. personally i like the "math problem" type captcha or the can you follow instructions type myself. Those try to read the corrupt image things tend to be un readable.

  10. 'Dog,

    If you decide to round up a posse to go after the spam bots, let me know.

    They've been vexing me something fierce, and I would relish the opportunity to assist you in a little creative retribution.

    By the by, you do know I'm part Sicilian, right?

  11. We get about 100 per day on Everyday Spacer and only a few people even know that blog exists.

    I'm wondering how we can get 100+ "comments" and only have 5 visits.

    We moderate comments but yeesh!

    It's gotten so bad that we are actually looking for a WordPress captcha plug in just so the one or two real comments don't get accidentally dumped with the trash.

  12. We get about 100 per day on Everyday Spacer and only a few people even know that blog exists.

    I'm wondering how we can get 100+ "comments" and only have 5 visits.

    We moderate comments but yeesh!

    It's gotten so bad that we are actually looking for a WordPress captcha plug in just so the one or two real comments don't get accidentally dumped with the trash.

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