You know, there is something very noir-ish when your lady slips a snub-nosed revolver into the outer pocket of your leather over-coat just before you venture out into a sub-freezing night to help strangers.
Just thought I’d throw that out there.
Tee hee.
I'm hearing the sax arrangement of "Harlem Nocturne" from the opening credits of Mike Hammer.
Into your pocket, not into the small of your back, barrel first? She loves you!
I would not expect any less!
As opposed to neo-noir, in which case it would be a semi-automatic. Don't think I've seen a film in which the hero/POV character had a revolver since the last Dirty Harry (not counting Westerns).
Micky Spillane carried a 1911. And changed the barrel after each use too.
We need to see a picture.
True love always protects the love in their life.
True love always protects the love in their life.
That's not a bad thing… 🙂
And, as Sam Kinison taught us, when they don't love you, they slip the revolver into your carry-on, just before you fly commercial.
And then plays the opening bars of the theme from Dragnet.
happy new year 2017
Can we get a make/model/caliber? That Public Defender Polymer is looking pretty smart.
Leather overcoat. VERY Robert B. Parker.
C.S.P. Schofeld. Unless it was a Browning Model 1922 or Colt .380 Pocket Hammerless.
Merry Christmas
Change the barrel, change the firing pin, and the extractor, and change ammo from dif mfr's and lots. and you got denialbility. Just saying.
Here you go:
Well, Albert, as it happens I have some stills of our host's last night out on the town, which I put on t'Tube.
Having watched it, you will know now how they met:
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