20 thoughts on “Let’s see if this “pre-order” …”

  1. Do not doubt the powerful and all-wise computer! Pre-order worked for me too. Soon…soon the tale of the ratel SHALL BE MINE! Ahahahahaha!

  2. Reminds me of the old quote:

    "Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic."
    Arthur C. Clarke

    It worked for me as well.

  3. I'm guessing you were dragged kicking and screaming into the use of semi auto pistols from your use of matchlock rifles and hand kannones?

  4. Just finished reading my copy. Laughed my ass off several times, even though I remembered a fair number of the tales. Are the rest out yet? PLEASE TAKE MY MONEY!

  5. My biggest "complaint" is that some terms were never defined. Book needs a glossary for Texas/Cop/Jail/Prison/Con to `Murican By-Gawd English! It's not enough to dissuade ME from enjoying it but the wife feels otherwise.

  6. How does it feel to (at this moment at least) have both the #1 and #2 slots in Amazon's "Business & Professional Humor" category?

  7. Dog,

    Read your book and loved it. I havent laughed my ass off like that since I read Catch 22. My favorite story was A Lesson In Respect. I hope Waldo didn't get into too much trouble.

  8. Greetings from South Purgatory, People's Republic of California. Just found your blog–absolutely fabulous! (Sorry, public school slow learner) Can't wait for the parchment versions.

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