Ok, folks, Space Cowboys is up, and doing rather well.
I’d like to take this moment to remind everyone that due to the overwhelming response from authors, Space Cowboys 2: Electric Boogaloo Rodeo will be out in two weeks.
If you’ve submitted a story for Space Cowboys, the contracts for the second volume will be going out pretty quick.
We almost have enough stories for Space Cowboys 3: Return of the Bookaroo, so if you have a spare story about cowboys in space laying about, send it to: anthology.malta(at)gmail(dot)com.
There are a bunch of GOOD stories in there!!!
Yay! I got selected for electric rodeo!
I made my deadline for SC:2 but am new to formatting, etc. The file I submitted had not been cleaned up on my computer bc I wrote it on my phone in Google drive ( while driving my truck! ) and submitted it as a pdf from my truck. Kortnee said it would be okay but if it will ease your workload, I’ll try to clean up the line spacing, paragraph separations, etc. Mea culpa!
Sandra J. Collier/ Sanjay Lier đ
Purchased. Looking forward to some delightful stories a bit later, with good whiskey. Prosaic work first.