The colouring book of Squeaks the Kusimanse has gone live, with Cedar Sanderson doing the illustrations. I threw in an extra story that I’ve told on occasion, but never published in a written format before — I think.
I’m vastly amused by the fact that it has received a #1 New Release tag in “Fictional Biographies” (blink?) and a second #1 New Release tag in “Non-Fictional Biographies”.
Apparently I am simultaneously fictional and non-fictional, which knocks my giggle box over. Someone tell the cat to move over, I need the space.
Anyhoo, Space Cowboys 2 is coming out this Friday, and the updated LawDog Files (now with more content!) will be coming out the Friday after that one.
Busy, busy, busy.
Bought, read, enjoyed, contemplating crayon selection now.
Putnam and Doublday are quaking in their frufru caffeine service places.