P-Con is a new sci-fi/fantasy literary convention being held in the DFW Metromess 15 SEP 23 to 17 SEP 23.
Crystal is running it, and she’s Good People.
Since this is their first ever convention, I guess it is kind of fitting that P-Con will be my first ever convention where I am a Guest.
Deep breathing exercises commence.
Come to P-Con! We’ll have a blast!
ROTFLMAO! This is gonna be FUN!!!
BTW, your website’s security certificate expired today, so Firefox is acting all paranoid when I tried to follow a link here.
Same here.
We are aware. The hosting service is… nonresponsive. Attempting to fix it anyway. Thanks!
Staff goes into panic mode as soon as we get back from LC.
Thanks for helping get the word out. We need more folks to get their tickets/memberships/whatever they’re called this time.
Room block is also open.
I have my tickets. I need to wait a bit on the hotel room.
Congratulations! A lot of firsts.
I am excited to see all the panels and enjoy my first writing con.
It’s been years since I was active in Fandom (spouse with health issues), but I kinda wish I was close enough. Enjoy!
On a completely unrelated note ‘Falcons of Malta’ is now live on Amazon!
Yay Team ‘And More’! 🙂
New SSL certificate seen and active. Good till Aug 1 of this year.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, I will be there. DFW is a doable trip for me… Atlanta, not so much, and LibertyCon has been sold out since a long time ago.
I really enjoyed FenCon this past fall and I’m happy there will be a Con available in driving distance at the same time of year.
Not sure if I can make it yet, but I do have my membership.
I’ll look fondly y’all’s direction from my continuing ed adventure on the other side of the Metroplex that weekend.