So, Raconteur will be releasing 24 anthologies in 2024 — one every two weeks or so.
A .pdf file with dates is here: Raconteur Press 2024 Open Calls
I would take it as a kindness if you’d let any and all of your writer acquaintances know about this, and feel free to distribute that video and that .pdf file anywhere you think it would do some good.
Ok. We got this.
Y’all are gonna be BUSY!
I found the PDF and this page which gives the email address to submit to and presumably the payment structure. https://thelawdogfiles.com/raconteur-press Anything else I need to know about to submit?
I’ll do a post on that this afternoon.
All Will Burn piques my interest
Send it.
I have an idea based on family history that will work for that one.
Where are the Yeet Cows on the schedule?