
This Friday (09 FEB 24) we will be launching the first of a couple of series with Guest Editor James L. Young.

I’m really kind of chuffed about this one — it’s an anthology centered around giant robots/mecha, and James brought in some stellar talent:

I’m serious, folks, some of the names that submitted stories had my inner BattleTech fanboy squeeing.

As usual for us we got enough stories that there will be a second volume of giant robot stories coming out later on.

All that being said, I’d like to ask our Gentle Readers to do me a solid: I’d like Giant Freakin’ Robots to launch high enough that we impress James and the authors that he has brought with him. Impress them enough that we can keep bringing this level of talent and entertainment to our fans. Buy this book. Talk about this book. Recommend it to your families, friends, and random people on the subway.

And — as always — leave ratings and reviews.

I’d certainly appreciate it.



4 thoughts on “Robots!”

  1. Am I looking right past the link for the book? Or was the “James L. Young” link supposed to take me to the book rather than his Amazon author’s page? Thank you.

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