In the matter of sartorial style


There is a reason that classic styles are classic; and — when in doubt — you should default to the classics.

Like, say, suits. There is a really good reason why the classic style has held on so long: it looks good, and it makes you look good. Those clean, flowing lines are just … correct.

If you should have the urge to rebel in your sartorial choices, you should do so, with an expert standing by to advise you in your rebellion.

As a “for instance” if you are a local politician, getting your suit with skinny pants could be an unfortunate choice, because you’re going to look remarkably like this:

Absolutely no love, whatsoever.


Bitsy the Raconteur Press Editrix
A reminder

7 thoughts on “In the matter of sartorial style”

  1. And for the coat do you go single or double -breasted or Edwardian? Also depends on your figure and your audience. And for the formal event do you go dinner jacket, black tie, white tie or full court formal? So many decisions.

  2. Current suit trend that makes my eye twitch: too tight, one button jacket cut way too short, paired with skinny, low-waisted trousers cut short enough that I can see socks. You just look like you bought an off the rack suit one size too small.

    1. Or you are still trying to wear the suit mom and dad got you for high school graduation.

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