This last convention season the Three Moms of the Apocalypse ran a contest where you could get an image, and then you had to write an exactly 50-word short story about the image. It had to be exactly fifty words, and it had to be a complete story.
That was one of the more popular things we did, and we constantly get calls to do it again. However, that was one of the more labour-intensive projects we’ve gotten about, and we simply don’t have the spoons available to do a repeat.
However, Cedar and Jonna are somewhat amenable to gentle bribery, and we’ve decided to do some limited run challenges on the SubStack called, “Check Out Our Shorts“.
If you want to try the 50-word challenge — apparently, it’s somewhat addictive — go over there and have a look at the image that Intern Steve made (how he came up with SPAMPUNK! I’ll never know. Might need to up his rations or something); then write an exactly 50-word story in the comments.
I think you probably need to be subscribed to make a comment, but I’m not sure. The SubStack is a minion thing.
At the end of the weekend, the RacPress staff will take a vote on the best short story, and we’ll send that lucky author something from the fidget-widget stash at The Blanket Fort.