… hyperventilates into a brown paper bag.
For those Gentle Readers who may not be as familiar with the inner workings of Sci-Fi as they might wish, Tangent Online is an Internet reviewer of short stories in the Science Fiction/Fantasy genre.
Paul Di Filippo of Sci Fi Weekly described Tangent Online as: “a one-stop clearinghouse for information on the good, the bad and the ugly in the short-story jungle.”
As you can see, Tangent Online is no small thing.
So. We get this:
Let me read the really good part:
“The reviewer enjoyed the anthology so much that he [recommended] all 10 stories, something in my 30+ years of editing Tangent Online that has never happened.”
I don’t know if people understand what a really big deal this is for Raconteur Press.
I’d like to congratulate our Guest Editor, Dr. James Young, and each of the authors whose stories appear in this little antho. If you’d like to read the review for yourself, it’s here.
If you’d like to see what the fuss is about — and I think you should — Giant Freakin’ Robots is here.
Now, I think I’m going to go have a nice little lie-down and clutch my pearls for a bit.
You know, people that do good things really get good rewards. BZ Raconteur Press!
That is rather terrific news. Thanks for sharing it.
I love all your anthologies, thank you for the hard work!
Pearls? I understood that reference!
Congrats. I haven’t got to the cowboy ones yet. Something to look forward to for sure!
I love short stories and I haven’t found one of the books yet that haven’t been a delight (sometimes a shivery delight, but that’s good, too).