Rising Tide Week: Jumpmaster Press

Ok. Rising Tide Week.

We’re starting out completely randomly with Jumpmaster Press. I have no idea why this press isn’t more well-known, because they’re professional and putting in the work.

Gene Rowley and Kyle Hannah are veterans, salt-of-the-earth folks, and I’m proud to call them friends.

Their website is here. And their selection is glorious. If you’re a geek, they publish Armin Shimerman, best known for his work as Quark on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but he’s a damned fine author as well.

If you like the classics — and who doesn’t — their Black Spine Collection has to be seen in person, the Internet doesn’t do them justice. And for those who appreciate a good audiobook, Jumpmaster has a really unique take on them — a take I’m quite frankly jealous of. 

Their Facebook page is here — drop by and say, “Hi!” — and they’ve got a YouTube channel here.

Good, decent people, with a broad selection of reading (or listening) material.

Tell at least five friends, and browse their back-list, of your kindness. I think you’re likely to find something that appeals to you.


(Cross-posted on the Raconteur Press Substack.)

Rising Tide Week: Cannon Publishing
Oh, why not.

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