Seems like school teachers in the United States have taken it upon themselves to start hiding stuff from the parents of the children the teachers are supposed to be teaching Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic to.
Little stuff, like teachers proselytizing vis a vis abortion, gender identity, gender affirmation surgery, that sort of thing; all of which when it gets discovered, includes being intentionally hidden from the parents — the legal guardians — of the children.
Whole lot of folks who ought to know better are cheering this sort of thing on — especially the part about intentionally hiding it from the parents: teacher’s unions, various NGOs, the entire-bloody-Democrat Party, and the like.
The current Talking Point seeming to be: well, the teachers have to follow their conscience.
I have a question for those who are dumb enough to think this is A Good Idea:
What happens when the proselytizing takes a more … traditional … bent? You still going to be singing paeans when the teachers are holding Bible study and not informing the parents?
No? Why, you hypocritical little bugsnipes.
What happens when “the teacher’s conscience” leads to a quiet little baptism into the Christian faith in the gym? You still going to be manfully holding back tears and speaking in hushed tones about the “moral courage” of the teachers involved?
No? Oh, you sanctimonious little oiks.
Sauce for the goose being sauce for the gander, and all that, if it is “All That Is Good And Just”, if it is “moral courage”, and “an act of good faith and conscience” for a teacher to hide “inconvenient” stuff from parents, then that applies across the board.
Teacher helps student get abortion without parent’s knowledge?
Teacher helps student convert to Catholicism without parent’s knowledge?
Teacher helps student get gender reassignment hormones without parents knowledge?
Teacher helps student get Concealed Carry Licence without parent’s knowledge?
Teacher lectures students on Critical Race Theory without parent’s knowledge?
Teacher lectures students on New Testament without parent’s knowledge?
Y’all don’t get to pick and choose. If some of these without parent’s knowledge are Well and Good, then all of them are.
But you won’t, because you’re hypocritical little weasels, and you seem to be proud of it.