18 thoughts on “The clan increases.”

  1. Congratulations to you as an uncle and to the mother. Glad all is well.

  2. Congratulations to the whole clan! Babies are always a reason for celebration, and I’m glad he’s a healthy one.

  3. Congraditulations!

    I am happy for you, Lawdog. And mother and baby as well.


  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Another one for the Red, White, and Blue!

    Pride, Integrity, Guts – keep them honest, keep ’em strong, & keep ’em coming!

    Semper Fi!

  5. Out Standing, or as my Father would say

    Out Fricken Marine Corp Standing, yes he would say fricken, dont ask.

    Many happy days, and peacefull nights :p

  6. Congrats to the clan!

    And I assume that you’re already planning on how to fulfill your duties as Uncle.

    Heck, just reading some of the things you and your brother did should give the kid plenty of bad ideas! 😉

  7. Congratulations to the entire Lawdog Clan! Now Lawdog, whatever you do, DON’T LET HIM READ YOUR STORIES!!!! He’ll just be depressed that he can’t do all the cool neat things his uncle LD did as a young’un. *sigh*

    (ok, so I wish I could’ve pulled off half the crazy stunts my Dad did as a kid)

  8. Welcome, new American! I’m happy to know the trigger fingers are present.

    Congratulations to the parents 🙂

    LGD of WI

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