Looks like someone decided to whip out the old bushwa about how we don’t need our AR15s because the Fed.Gov will just genocide us all.
Yes, that’s the core of that argument. No, I’m not linking to articles threatening to use the military to seize our guns, because I don’t want to get intellectual wank-goo all over my blog.
However, let us delve into the depths of history! You know, that thing that if one doesn’t learn from, one is doomed to repeat.
Here is Afghanistan. Let us ask every technologically-superior country to invade that pile of suck and fail since Alexander:
Great Britain 1839 to 1842? Oops. There’s a reason that little dust-up was called “The Disaster in Afghanistan.” Great Britain, arguably the most technologically-advanced country in the world at the time, wandered into that pile of rocks, and misery, and promptly got the whey kicked out of them by the locals.
The United Soviet Socialist Republic 1979 to 1989? Arguably one of the two top dogs militarily at the time, with air assault capability, helicopter gunships, and the free use of chemical weapons. Result? The Soviets crawled back across the border, licking their wounds.
The United States 2001 to well … now? That would be the Aircraft Carriers and Predator drones mentioned in the argument mentioned above. For the results, just ask your local media pundit, or Democrat congress-critter. They’ll tell you not only have we lost, we need to pull out before we get our teeth kicked in any worse.
Vietnam? French occupation or ours? Doesn’t matter, really, neither France nor us — both far militarily-advanced than the Vietnamese rice farmers — came out of that one winners. Just ask the Main Stream Media.
How about Somalia in the 1990s. President Clinton sent the most technologically-advanced military — and the best war-fighters of the best — into that little hell-hole. How’d that work out?
All of these have something in common: They were local insurgencies against big, high-tech armies.
And if you think the Afghans, the Viet Cong, and the Somali warlords were good guerrilla fighters, you haven’t seen what the United States would be like.
Folks, I’m here to tell you, there is no country on this little green dirtball that will go insurgent faster than the United States.
And if you take nothing else from this, understand that there are no people on this world, there are no people in all of recorded history, as good at insurgency as the Americans.
Hell, we exist today because we took on the mightiest, most technologically advanced Empire in the World with the best military the world had seen at that time with a bunch of pissed-off insurgent farmers.
And we kicked Britain’s arse right off the beach.
Our DNA is rebellious outlaws that were kicked out of the mother country because Great Britain couldn’t deal with us. We took the hit-and-run warfare of the Native Americans, and we made it our own. WE LIKE TO FIGHT.
On top of that we have schools that any person of good character can go to and get training from our best war fighters. If we wish, we can get better training than that provided to our own military.
I have spent modest money to go to classes to learn to shoot distances far in excess of anything capable by 99% of our military. I have taken classes on my own dime — because it was fun –to learn how to clear houses better than the average infantry grunt.
We shoot 3-Gun, IPSC, IDPA, and a hundred other gun games … BECAUSE IT IS FUN.
The entire US military strength — right now — is about 1.4 million bodies. That’s not just Combat Arms, that’s everyone. Add in another 900,000 Reserves.
Texas — by itself — had one million hunters out last year. That’s one State with damned near as many shooters as the entire US military.
16 million hunters took the field though-out the United States in 2018. Hunters alone outnumber the entire US military by over three to one.
And there are a damned sight more gun owners than there are hunters.
You want to see an insurgency that would make the Hindu Kush jealous?
You want to hear the ghosts of empires whisper, “That was dumb”?
Listen to the idiots who think they’ll just have the military take our guns.