
Yep … it’s desert.

Above, Reno and Corky are attempting to track the elusive West Texas Chupacabra (they’re all over the place down there.)

At the end of those tire tracks is our camp-site — otherwise known as Ice Station “Toes! I Can’t Feel My Toes!”

Shot taken from the County Road — still desert.


Meditations on Self Defence

15 thoughts on “Pictures”

  1. Chupacabra? I always thought they were called Peligros.

    That’s what we’d tell the new troops when they got to Bliss.

    “Be careful out there. See them signs? they say “Danger – Peligro”. Peligros are some nasty critters.”

    They’d fall for it all the time.

  2. Man that sky is so blue it makes my eyes hurt (water).
    I would put up with the cold for a few days under that.

  3. There’s something so bracing and inspiring about such rugged, indomitable places. Glad you managed to enjoy yourself despite the bitter cold. Someone oughta knit you a cozy for the teajug next time, though.

  4. Wow. I’d forgotten just how much wall-to-wall F’-all was out in those parts!

    Miles and miles of miles and miles.

  5. Those pics are makin’ me homesick.


    I gotta get my butt back to Tejas.

  6. That last image reminds me – – One afternoon I was riding from Lubbock airport to Levelland with the local DA, through another type of wide empty area. His family owned several sections of ground nearby. I asked if his daddy grew anything on the land. He replied, “He mostly just raises pump jacks.”

  7. Oh, you cruel, cruel man!! Now I am SO homesick for Texas, that if I wasn’t trying to finish off my last semester of school, I’d want to say the hick with this and just pull up stakes and move back. If it weren’t for having to make a living, I’d leave NOW! One of these days, though…..


  8. So… who cut down all the trees?

    Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m in Wisconsin, and we’ve got a whole bunch of young people who love trees and cute furry critters like this Chubakky thing, which is probably on the endangered species list anyway. So I’m starting up a collection for these ecologically minded folks to buy some young trees and go out to Texas and plant ’em. Then, maybe, since the natural landscape has been restored, this Chew-Baccy critter will start breedin’ and multiply and get off the endangered species list.

    I expect the ecologically minded young folks will want to stay down there for a few years to make sure everything goes smoothly and the lumber companies don’t cut down all the trees again, and such.

  9. In an airport on our way in from Africa one time, a ticket attendant asked what we missed most about the States. Both my husband and I chorused, “The sky!”
    And, no, the snakes aren’t out this time of year-usually-; they don’t like the cold. Wait a couple of months….
    Those ARE trees. Familiarly called skeets. Howver, I’ve been on that land when almost nothing was growing, up to and including cactus. It’s a rugged place.

  10. that reminds me of a patch of desrt just outside of kingman arizona where i helped a buddy unload his stuff after a move from new england. mr. ryder would have had a fit if he knew how far off road his 24 footer was going. (and yes it did make it back out again, 8 miles, no problem.)

  11. I swear to god, Lawdog, that looks JUST like my old California city digs,

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