
You know your little blog isn’t quite as little as you thought it was when you get an e-mail asking for your help with a college dissertation.

This turned up in my e-mail:

The purpose of this survey is to examine how people think and feel about the political issues, parties, and candidates in the upcoming election. In the survey, you will be asked a series of questions about two political candidates, John McCain and Hillary Clinton. We are very interested in how individuals that find information on the web think about politics, and your participation would be greatly appreciated. In total, the survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous and you can skip any questions you do not wish to answer.

Click here to take the survey:

Please feel free to contact Chris Weber ( at Stony Brook University with any questions or concerns.

Thanks for your help!

Folks, at the request of the doctoral candidate in question, I’m disabling comments for this one to prevent any bias.


I did a Bad Thing ...
Taser C2