16 thoughts on “A Soldiers Night Before Christmas”

  1. I tear up every time I hear that.

    Thanks, LawDog, and thanks to all who serve.

  2. According to my father, who once “accidentally” provided steaks, etc., to his company, those reindeer would be fair game.

  3. I’ve seen this for a couple of years on the internet as a poem but was pleased to see the video version, thanks Lawdog. Merry Christmas and Godspeed in the coming year.

    L Maloney
    Vietnam 68 69

  4. No matter how many times I have heard it, it has never lost it’s power

  5. Well done Dog… Christmas is in the heart and mind, not necessarily where one is physically located. God Bless our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, where ever they may be.

  6. Dammit.

    I remember begging my pen pals for pictures of happy dogs and children for my plywood wall.

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