25 thoughts on “I would like to cordially invite …”

  1. So we learn that The Chosen One is not only a poor student of the U.S. Constitution, but apparently a little foggy on what kicked off the revolution in April of 1775.

    Fancy that, American law and history not represented on the curriculum of an Indonesian jihadist madrassa nor at Harvard.


  2. I really think he likes guns, as long as they're used by the right people for the task he wants accomplished. Of course, his favorite weapon of choice is the armed drone, but that's the luxury when you're President.

    In a perfect world, the media would be truthful, dig deep to find the inconsistencies and expose the current administration for what it is. Instead, they support and encourage.

  3. I was watching his earlier 'Press' conference and was struck by what a bunch of tools and sucku-ps the mainstream press really is, even the tone in which they asked the leading questions.

  4. Our current (p)Resident is sure noisey (in addition to being nosey) and spouts balm for the ninnies at every moment he gets near a microphone. That appears to be the only thing at which he has any real skill.

  5. Dog, I admire your restraint there.

    My language as I watched was less than civilized.


  6. He's not even that good at spouting. Without his precious teleprompter he gets lost in a sea of filler words and noises. I was a better public speaker at age 9. I could deliver a speech without a teleprompter or looking at notes on index cards (poor man's teleprompter).
    I definitely agree with LawDog on this, though I have a few other ideas as to what the media and other sycophants and suck-ups can do (at least one involves the excess squid turning up in California).

  7. *sigh*
    I've been waiting for the current POTUS to make some move that would just prove that he is no friend of L.E.O.s, let alone law-abiding gun-owners, and now he's gone and done it. However, I seriously doubt the DumMasses out in the world will realize they've just p*ssed away even more of our freedom until it's way too late.

    Annie Get Your Guns . . . and hold to 'em real darn tight. Unka Shurghar's coming to take 'em away!

  8. Glad to have ya back, Dawg….even if it took gettin' ticked off to do it.

  9. Actually, they have a point. In the past couple of months, Obama has convinced the American people to buy ALL the guns. He is the best gun salesman EVER!… which is kind of an epic fail if one is trying to, you know, reduced the amount of guns people own.

  10. "pack your bums with salt and go wee up a rope"

    That line needed a coffee warning!!!! XD

  11. Trying to get husband to agree to moving our family to either Wyoming or Texas. This crap is just getting out of hand. I will not let my daughter grow up under a dictatorship. So wrong on so many levels.

  12. Heard it elsewhere, but did the kids on stage with him also write to Santa?
    And the NRA has about a quarter-million new members?

    Olde, and now much older, Force

  13. Why is it that you say more eloquently and with far fewer words than I?

  14. Bloody weasels.

    Yes, but they elected a very clever fellow weasel to the White House. By merely refusing to release his birth records he found out that he could drive his most passionate opponents nuts for years, and lead many to beclown themselves besides.

    The question now is: what reaction to the Executive Orders would please him the most?
    Doesn't mean we should rule out some of the options just because he wants us to take them, but let's take them for our own purposes and think things through.

  15. One of our US Reps (Texas) said he wants to introduce letters for impeachment related to the executive orders and will work to cut out white house funding. Hope he is not along. Two presidents have been impeached but neither convicted/removed. Might be time.


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