I take offence …

… at the assertion that “We are all Chris Dorner”.

Dorner is a critter who got a case of the arse towards the man who represented Dorner while Dorner fought his termination from the LAPD — unsuccessfully. Dorner then decided that his case of the arse was best settled by murdering the man’s daughter.

Allow me the re-state that: Chris Dorner felt that his advocate did not did his best to defend Dorner against termination. So Dorner butchered the daughter of that advocate.

This may sound like a laudable act to some sodding numpties out there, but I — unlike Dorner — am a man. If I have a problem with another person, that problem is between me and that other person — I don’t slaughter that other person’s children.

So don’t you dare state that I “am Chris Dorner.”

You think we’re all Chris Dorner? You think Chris Dorner is someone to be lauded? Go to hell.

I realize that the LAPD is a bunch of trigger-happy cowboys who have managed to murder just as many innocent people during the manhunt as Dorner did to start the hunt, but that just makes the LAPD officers responsible just as bad as Dorner — it doesn’t make Dorner anything other than the cowardly murdering scum that he is.

“We are all Chris Dorner”. How dare you?

How dare you justify the murder of a 28-year-old woman — who had absolutely nothing to do with her killer’s dispute with her father — because you don’t like the LAPD? Or cops in general?

Who the hell are you to identify “We” with a man who would callously gun down a woman and her fiance in their car with no way to defend themselves — just because he was mad at her father?

You think this is a good idea? You think this is praiseworthy? You think that this is something to be cheered? Feted? Something that we should all aspire to, since “We are all Chris Dorner”?



Oh, dear.
For the love of all that is holy ...

30 thoughts on “I take offence …”

  1. It's a waste of time to expect any of the higher sentiments from hoodrats, TNR commenters, Obama voters, and other trash fish. Which is not to say that an insult isn't an insult.

    Mike James

  2. Well, I dunno.

    Given that the demonstrated callousness towards innocents, the delusions of grandeur, the sociopathic narcissism, and the general assclownery displayed by Dorner isn't really that much worse or different than that characteristic of the rest of the lunatic leftists, perhaps when they say THEY are all Chris Dorner, they're describing metaphysical fact with a good deal of precision.

    The trick now is figuring out how to get the LAPD to start a manhunt on the weeping moonbats as well. If only for the sheer entertainment value.

  3. I think Aesop has the proper diagnosis, if not the course of treatment.

    Well said, Mr. 'Dog.

  4. Mr. Dog, I understand and I believe many others also understand "we are not dorner!" Those mental deficients are going to cause more problems pandering and feeling "others pain" than they deserve time to consider.

    You sir are a gentleman, please calm down. I'd like to read more of your writing, but you can't write from the hospital. Consider your heart.

    I am a fan.

  5. You said what I wanted to say. Albeit, in a much mellower way. 😉

    If they were to try such activity up here, they would not get by without experiencing incoming. From more than just the people in the pickup.

  6. Once again, I will reiterate something I have said before:

    If all police were like Lawdog, we wouldn't -have- this kind of issue crop up.

    Unfortunately, too many have slid away from Robert Peel's ideals into an 'us versus them' mentality.

    I had a similar conversation with my father once, wherein I told him quite bluntly, 'I trust -you-. However, I do not trust Nameless Government Bureaucrat #12.'

    I would trust Lawdog. The LAPD, not so much.

  7. Right on the mark, as always, LawDog. I'm so glad that I read your blog prior to finding such an asinine assertion as "we are all Chris Dorner" elsewhere. You not only have a right-on-the-money response, but you have likely saved my head from exploding after a day of wrangling with bureaucrats.

  8. My reaction exactly, LD.

    When I read it I yelled BULLSHIT at the screen. Didn't feel the least bit guilty at having done so, either. Somethings just elicit such reaction and I believe justifiably so.

  9. Bravo. And Thank You. Once again, you have managed to say that which has been on my mind but, sadly, I'm pretty sure I couldn't say what I wanted to say as … elegantly as you just did.

    Thank You.

    Not A Chris Dorner…

  10. It's a logical progression; first there is the glorification of "Thug Life", then the coarsening of the culture through pop culture, evolving into defense of criminals like Trayvon Martin and finally, the celebrity of murdering scum like Dorner.

  11. What people has LAPD managed to murder during the manhunt? One person was shot but was not killed. The officers were on a security detail not a manhunt. The actual manhunt is being conducted by the San Bernardino Sheriff. LAPD is doing detective work to assist but so far no crimes have been committed in Los Angeles and he is not wanted here. I would expect that someone who bills himself as an officer would get his facts straight before attacking another agency.

  12. Like many I take issue with the way LAPD has handled this, but… no, I'm not Dorner. The absurdity of the assertion boggles the mind.

  13. @anon: They haven't killed any innocents yet, true… but not for lack of trying. The only reason those 3 people are alive is because LAPD's marksmanship sucks. From a professional standpoint they may as well have killing them. They tried their damnedest to do so, and their failure is due to luck, happenstance and poor training. Saying "Oops, they missed everybody so it's OK that they shot up an entire neighborhood" is both asinine and disingenuous.

  14. And how many people want to see this criminal's fame, face, and name eclipsed by their own?

  15. I will grant you, because I agree, that you're not all Chris Dorner. I would ask in kind, that you grant us, hopefully because you agree, that we're not all drug dealing scumbags who should be hauled out of our cars and subjected to illegal searches on the side of the road. That we aren't assumed to be hiding something just because we don't consent to a search of our person or vehicle or home. That you don't want to take possesion of our legally owned and concealed firearm while you write us ticket for a busted tailight. It's a two way street. The level of respect you expect from us, we also expect from you, and no, simply calling us "Sir/Ma'am" isn't enough. Some of us have had far, far more weapons training than you, given of ourselves longer and on bloodier fields than you and have most certainly earned it.

  16. Dog, you are right. 100%. People have ignorant opinions, and the ignorance of some of the law enforcement community has done nothing to help these opinions.

    However, most people know that this is not indicative of the majority of law enforcement, who are heroes. Those who would lump "all" in the same pile because of the actions of "one", are as bad as the one themselves in their own way.

  17. Dorner is an over-grown child throwing a temper tantrum. He's certainly not an example of the men and women in law enforcement.

  18. Hanging may be too good for this particular … "example of the species" still includes [the subject of the LAPD manhunt] as human, and I'm not sure he is one.

    What is it with big-city police departments and low competence among their officers?

  19. Of course we're not all Chris Dorner. It'd be closer to say we're all Monica Quan or Emma Hernandez.

  20. @Charles

    Nota bene, the LAPD, subject to uncontested federal consent decrees, is required in perpetuity to take the absolute LOWEST qualified of black males, hispanic males and Fe males, until such time as their numbers on department rosters equal their percentages of the population at large.
    This has a multiplicity of effects:
    1) The caucasian applicants are left to fight it out with the asians and Pacific islanders for the few remaining slots in each academy class.
    2) Said caucasian candidates typically have flawless backgrounds, and hiring placement scores of 99 to 110 on a 100 point scale (with qualifying 10 pt. bump for military veterans) whereas an embarassing number of "underrepresented" applicants in the pool come into the academy with scores of 70 – barely passing – and a handful of misdemeanors, some undoubtedly pled down from actual felonies on the day.
    3) This leads to blazingly overqualified officers of all stripes having to pack the encumbrance of blisteringly UNDERqualified officers until the latter commit enough stupid human tricks, like Dorner, to get shown the door. If by entirely predictable circumstance, they manage to successfully get off of probation, they become full-fledged officers, whereupon they have to virtually rape babies and eat their hearts on camera to get fired, due to union protections that kick in once they're off probabtion.
    4) This leads to those who get fired early, like Dorner. And to dozens of former gang-banging thugs with badges, a la the Rampart Scandal, unsurprisingly in the very same LAPD.
    5) Good officers leave in droves.

    The takeaway lesson is that when the federal judge tells you they're going to "help" your city comply with race issues, either move to another city forthwith, or consider that secession and civil war will be less injurious to your locale in the long run than the alternative.

    As L.A., and in large part California, went from being First World at the time of the original decrees in the mid 1970s, and for another decade through the 1984 Olympics, and are now indistinguishable from some Third World Trashcanistan or banana republic rectal abscess – living here gives me the right to call it as I see it – I think I have empirically demonstrated my assertions.

    Thus endeth the lesson.

    Best regards,

  21. @Aesop: Does that also apply to places like NYC, DC, and Chicago?

    I mean, LAPD is particularly bad in the mind of the public, but what about all the other big cities?

    Heck, even the cops in Tokyo can have a severe attitude problem…

  22. Chris Dorner is what happens when you tell a class of people their victims all their life. Some take it to mean they are justified in doing what ever they want to even the score.

    As to the ALPD & Police Departments in general, there is this "Thin Blue Line" crap mentality that has crept into the mythos of law enforcement, that just putting on a uniform makes you special. They seem at times to be more worried about getting revenge for a fallen officer than ensuring the safety of the public, oopsy my bad.

    Both sides feel justified in doing what ever they want to get what they want.

  23. @Scott

    I couldn't answer about NYC, Chicago, etc., as I don't know, and don't live there. I'm sure appropriate Google-fu technique will turn up whether or not a given city is subject to federal consent decrees for hiring, whence came the subsequent problems in L.A.

    Tokyo is a different kettle of fish. Bear in mind that in Japan
    1) the culture for some 2000 years defers to authority – contrast with here, where we were born as a nation shooting at it.
    2) The conviction rate for arrestees in Japan is something like 99.9999%, mainly because the jury reckons that the prosecutor would lose face if they found someone not guilty.
    3) The police in Japan, like everyone else, subscribe to a public code of extreme courtesy, yet business-like abruptness, which is the only way to get things done with 100+M people all jammed into apartments the size of our bathrooms and cars the size of our beach chairs without going all kamikaze 50 times a day. So when the typical Westerner, who was merely fed by his parents, rather than actually raised, shows what appears to the police there to be a discourteous attitude, things devolve in short order.

    Once upon a time in Okinawa, I observed (from afar, thankfully) another Marine, this one of the Redneck Jarhead, Loudmouth, 1 ea. type, pulled over by the local white-gloved minions of justice. He was 6'+, to the pair of them who were neither of them over 5'6".
    Subject Marine, contrary to the status of forces orientation lectures, rather than politely and quietly handing over his license and registration, exactly as they'd initially requested, began instead to verbally vent and flap his arms in declaiming how anyone with a brain could have possibly construed his driving to be below par. As he leaned in towards the two offcers, there was a sudden flurry of white gloves and cowboy jeans, and I distinctly saw someone's ass fly way up high and over itself at some point.

    It ended with him face down, one of the cops with his foot on the Marine's face, and the other pint-sized officer holding the Marine's formerly outstreched arm back behind him, corkscrewed around rather severely, with a bootheel in his armpit.
    Whereupon they repeated, ever-so-politely and meticulously, "License and registration, please."
    Suffice it to say compliance and ticket issuing went much more smoothly after that.

    The moral of the story is, "When in Rome…"

  24. @Aesop: Thank you for the explanation. I was never in Japan while I was in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club, but was over there for a year while working on the International Business degree.

    If I walked up to a cop and said, 'sumimasen, _____ wa doko des ka?', they were quite polite.

    They just really gave me Ye Olde Hairy Eyeball when I was wandering through Roppongi late at night, though. Probably wondering why the punks weren't giving me any guff, and moving out of my way.

    But I really can't say I've been impressed by the way the LAPD conducted themselves during this manhunt.

  25. I don't like LAPD, but Dorner was a friggin' murderous moonbat who blamed his failures on everyone else, and got so much less than he deserved.

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