Damned global warming

It’s North by-Gawd Texas; it’s the last of March and I’m sitting here in a flannel robe, heater running to beat all and I’m freezing.

Bloody hell.


Speaking of freezing (and the fate reserved for “journalists” who can’t even be arsed to look up simple rules of the language) would folks kindly remind the sodding Mainstream Media that the proper appellation is: “Pope Francis” NOT “Pope Francis I“? He can’t be an “I” until there is a “II”. Schmucks.

The new pontiff seems to be a good-natured, salt-of-the-earth, unassuming sort. The Vatican might do to keep a weather-eye out — those salt-of-the-earth folks have a nasty habit of turning your whole world up-side down in spite of your best efforts, and frequently before you know what’s happening (see Pope John XXIII [oops]).

Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado seems to be hell-bent on following the kamikaze model in his political career, at least I hope so. The State of Colorado is already panicking a bit over the prospect of a boycott of hunting and/or fishing in Colorado — a boycott I am considering throwing my weight behind — and Magpul is making good on its’ promise to remove revenue from the State of Colorado if Hickenlooper got stupid.

Which reminds me — I need to order something from Magpul.

I note that the POTUS has been taking a guided tour of Petra. Gorgeous place, and one that I’d like to visit my-own-self someday — but doesn’t the President have a sodding job to do?! Sequestration, and all that?! Sweet haploid Christ on a flaming pogo stick — you’re getting paid good tax-payer money to tend to this country. ACT LIKE YOU’RE ACTUALLY CONCERNED.

Speaking of, does anyone have access to a comparison of the numbers of vacations and the cost of each between Presidents Bush and Obama? I ask, because I have a distinct memory of the Media, and liberals in general(but I repeat myself) lambasting President Bush over his vacations. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and all that. If Bush was a meanie for taking too many vacations, and deserved the scorn of the Media, then if President Obama has been taking a similar number of vacations then he deserves the same amount of scorn.

Yeah. That’s going to happen. *spit*

Russia is making cooing noises with China, while giving us the old cold shoulder. Seems the President Obama’s promise of “more flexibility” after his election isn’t impressing the Russians. I’d insert a massive “DERP!” here, but it just doesn’t seem sporting. Fish in a barrel, don’t you know?

Senator Dianne Feinstein seems to have gotten her knickers into a bit of a knot after an object lesson in political liabilities and realities. “Stormed from his office”! Wow. That’s what I like to see in my elected officials: The emotional stability and maturity of a tantrum-throwing three-year-old. It’s a set-back. Deal with it, buttercup.

Took the fur-children in to the V-E-T yesterday. Chuy is about 18 pounds (unknown how much of that is blue-jay); Mochi is a svelte 17 pounds; and Miss Praline is at the lower end at 15 and change. I must have looked a bit startled, because the V-E-T assured me that “Dachsies are just more … dense … than Jack Russells.”


Not sure, but is “dense” something like “big-boned”?

Ah, well. Off to have fun in Oklahoma later.



Dancing monkey dances.
06 MAR 1836

33 thoughts on “Damned global warming”

  1. Damned groundhog lied.

    In before the spam cleanup. 🙂

    The fight over a weapons and mag limit ban are far from over. They know they have no chance of winning the house and senate in 2014 if they pass anything now.

  2. I spent 19 years in north Texas. One of the coldest places I ever lived. And I was born and raised in Michigan, where 2 feet of snow is called Tuesday.

  3. Would that be Governor Hickenlooper I or II?

    To be fair (I will not make it a habit) to your "President", he was over here to impose US interests on a potential faecal storm in Cyprus and the Levant, and Petra was an understandable diversion.

    Whether US interests are clearly defined and competently imposed is another matter. Said faecal storm may go rogue whatever happens.

  4. "So just how much vacationing has Obama done and how does he stack up with our past presidents?

    President Obama in his first four years has taken 131 days, dividing his time between Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard and, of course, Camp David, the official get away of U.S. presidents. At this rate, he could hit 262 days by the end of his eighth year, about average for modern presidents.

    He certainly is not the king of vacation days. That honor falls to President George W. Bush, who racked up 1,020 vacation days in his eight years in office, including one five-week vacation, the most of any president in 36 years. Not to say he wasn’t on the job when he was at his Crawford, Texas ranch, but he was away from the White House.

    And if we compare days off in the first year alone, President Bush still nabs the honor with 69 vacation days, President Obama with 26 and President Clinton with 19."


  5. Give what Jug ears does when he's working, I'm all for keeping him on vacation until, say, 2016.

  6. That ain't the half of it Lawdog; Magpul is leaving as well as related manufacturers (around 1,000 jobs or so) & there's a call for hunters, etc to visit elsewhere due to the nasty nature & penalties of these damned laws. Michael Bane's shows have already cancelled shooting in Colorado, A few matches, including a Ruger rimfire championship, have been cancelled.

    The mag ban & universal background check are the main culprits: bans mags that hold or can be made to hold more than 15 rounds, so that covers all mags with a removable floor-plate. No transfers, so grandfathering just protects the Coloradan, not anyone he/she hands a mag. No grandfathering for out of staters though, not even the fed ex guys delivering mags to the Denver PD (& I chuckled myself silly when I realized that). The universal background checks bans transfers as well, & there are a few exceptions, but it's tricky to figure out when & where you can let your pal hold your firearm. Violation of the background check law nets you 2 years barred from possessing arms.

    I don't care about such things myself – I ain't a law abiding gun owner – I'm an American. When laws impose upon my Rights there's a notable distinction. But I advise anyone I know to not visit Colorado when these laws kick in (July 1rst), for their own well being as much as a boycott effort. Even if they beat the charges, they'd have a nice legal bill to pay off trying to get their guns &/or mags back, especially from Denver, plus some jail time & other niceties to make their Colorado vacation/hunting trip/visit memorable.

    I'd say that grounds for dismissal would be easy as long as you found a decent judge, but the judges here have a history of not being decent. So until these laws are off the books, I'd counsel to stay away from Colorado, unless you're coming in to join the resistance.

  7. I'm reading that a lot of the Colorado sheriffs are saying they are not going to enforce those laws in part because they are unenforceable on top of being dubious under US Supreme Court rulings.
    Colorado is now finding out why the term "carpet bagger" is such a swear word in the South and Texas.

  8. I kind of get a kick out of taking my cat to the vet for his yearly check-ups.

    The tech dutifully takes his temp and weight, etc. Then the vet looks at the chart before walking through the door. His/her eyebrows fly up: "A fourteen pound cat, must be a porker, I'm going to have to give the owner a talking-to". Then they hit the door and see my massive black cat. Tall, long, lean, every pound is muscle. Stunned silence.

    Every year he is pronounced to be healthy and fit. This at 12 years old. I've never had a cat live much past 15. But I have hopes that my big boy will make 18 or 20.

  9. Our Dept of State has hated the Russians ever since they failed to bring the perfect perfection of communism to the world. They hate Putin because he refused to kill off another 200 million people to make it work! NATO and the DoS have been trying to make trouble with Russia since the wall was torn down, not to mention screwing up the rest of the world. Geoff Who figures firing the DoS is the first step toward a sane foreign policy.

  10. You know, G.W. Bush might have taken more vacation days, but those were generally working vacations. And, it costs a lot less to put up "the help" in Crawford, Texas than it does in Hawaii.

  11. It isn't Obama himself that takes all the vacations, you know. It's Moochelle and the kids going to Vail, and Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard, and Chicago, and Vail again, and here and there, which means a separate (and yet rather large) SS detail every time.

    I don't envy them the vacations or the money, but I sure get sick of them (at least during the re-election campaign) pretending they know what it's like to be middle class. Really, how many middle class folks take four (ten, 15) vacations a year? If I can manage one in two years, I consider myself blessed.

  12. 1. I have a 24 pound cat that is not fat. Since he is a feral kitten I rescued, there has been a lot of speculation about his ancestry. One friend calls him a miniature mountain lion.
    2. From what I have been seeing, a lot of western states like Colorado are having a fight over their political identities because of people moving there and then trying to change the laws to be like the states they moved from (this also includes Texas).
    3. How do you have fun in Oklahoma? Just drive there and leave is my guess. ;>

  13. @ Tim Covington:

    I feel for you. I bet you have fun giving that cat pills and the like.

  14. Good points all, and enjoy the shooting! I'm sitting in Cedar Rapids, hoping like hell we can get out of here today…

  15. LD FerFal over at the Surviving In Argentina blog seems to think highly of the new pope. As a heretic southern baptist my only experience with the Catholic church is my ex wife but someone who will move in and do a little house cleaning might do some good for those folks.

  16. Jedi Master Ivyan: Mom had a cat (yellow tabby tom) who lived to be 23. It was weird arguing politics with a cat who was old enough to vote.

  17. Not being Catholic, I am not up on my Papal history. Care to enlighten the uninformed about the possibilities?

  18. More bloody spammers, hit the fousgasse!

    How can any critter be more muscle-dense than a Jack Russel terrorist?

  19. Scott, I have a Greyhound. They look like anorexics but there is a LOT of muscle packed in there. One time I had the pleasure of seeing my girl drag a vet tech down the hall when I came to pick her up after an appointment. And she's only about 60 pounds.

  20. Mister (JB Dresden Files) would like to say hi to your pack.

    And Mouse is thinking he needs to have a "chat" with the Colorado Critters about their lack of Sanity.

  21. Snowing here. Bleh. It's pretty, though.

    Weiner dogs, like Labs, love to eat. But I love both breeds.

    The other stuff…hmph.

  22. My fiancee and I have a Dachsund/Beagle mix. Like Eric Cartman, he's not fat, his big boned. I seriously think terriers have a lighter bone structure. I compare our "monster dachsund" to my parent's mutt-terrier, and I notice a difference on bone density.

    And you may have to forgive the journalists their slapdashery; they're not used to a pope without a Roman numeral behind his name. Probably being unreligious and definately not Catholic themselves, these journalists don't know the rules of 'how to name your pope'. Hell, they're still waiting for Pope Joan II.

  23. Remember what "Dachshund" means (Badger Dog), and what they were bred for: To invade the home of the most heavily muscled member of the weasel family, engage the enraged badger nose to nose in a narrow tunnel, grab a mouthful of fur and hide, and drag that critter out of the burrow. They're not only big-boned, they're as much strength as can possibly fit through a rather small circle and be applied at the front end.

    Of course they're dense. Don't expect them to swim or to run down game. Their talents go another way.

  24. My favorite canines are: 1. Wolves, best enjoyed at a distance and: 2. Pit Bulls. I've had two, the most pleasant, laid back, territorial, protective, loving, funny, strong, devoted, cuddly fur-chirruns on the planet.

  25. I have a an 80lb Ridgeback.

    They always look at her funny Chez VET, and stick her on the scale and go: Well. howdy, she DOES weight that.

    No (thick)fur, no fat. It's all muscle and bone.

    The much bigger (looking) dogs at the dog park who get fresh with her are stunned when they start (friendly) doggy wrestling and get flattened.

    And she's not a particularly big bitch either…

  26. Unless of course he did in fact make 'the First' part of his name… kinda like "Mr. T"… he coulda been just "T"….

  27. I would appreciate your boycotting Colorado until our good Gov. Lickenpooper comes to his senses, unlikely as that may be.

    Enjoy your blog! Keep it coming…

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