Folks, if you don’t know that “coyote” is a word for a person who is paid to smuggle people across the Southern border into the United States, then you don’t know enough about unlawful immigration to have an opinion on the subject.
That goes double for politicians.
Hell I live on the NORTHERN BORDER in snowy Montana and I know what a Coyote is. And this kind of coyote does NOT chase the roadrunner. What a bunch of Sheltered pack of soyboys and LIBTARD females that have been woke and educated way beyond their intellectual capacity to understand common vernacular. And these IDIOTS are telling ICE and the Border Patrol how to do their jobs.
Amen Brother
given the incessant rambling from the left about the border over the last 4 years I would almost think these people are being deliberately obtuse to be funny. sadly, these people appear to just be incredibly ignorant.
They will vote for anyone regardless of IQ. The dumber, the closer to their own beliefs.
Buy more ammo.
Guess I'm not all that surprised – most of them are pretty stupid… 🙂
But but but, that little shit from Harvard says it's racist or something.
Don't worry, the dems are going to stop them!!!
A coyote is racist? Hm. Lived in the Southwest all my life and I never knew! Gee, Ivy, thanks for enlightening me.
What should I replace my 'All Lives Matter' sign with?
"Congress" is a governing body, notably ungoverned.
One ignorant jackhole is an annoyance. 535 ignorant jackholes are a Congress.
They’re a BIG problem for us here in the People’s Republic of Kalipornia. I’ve heard too many harrowing tales of border crossing from people with “creative credentials” here. What ANGERS me is that many of those who used Wyle E’s services want to normalize their lawlessness. What about those of us who jumped through “ flaming hoops” To get & live here the RIGHT WAY?
Ulises from CA
So True
The thing that bothers me is that the term coyote has been used for at least 20 years that I've been aware of… and I've lived my entire life in the NY Finger Lakes… just about as far from the Mexican border as you can be and still be in the US of A. To my reasoning, any politician in this country who admits they did not know this needs fired immediately for not being aware of an issue that is critical to our national security.
I'm a Brit (originally) and even I know that there are 3 kinds of coyote: Animals, trafficers, and Wile E.
And yet here they are, in power, no less.
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