Malta anthologies

Ghosts of Malta goes live in a couple of weeks, and I’ve received some questions which seem to indicate that folks think that submissions are closed.

We’ve still got to fill Knights of Malta, so:

Yes, I am still accepting stories for the Malta Anthologies.

I will be accepting submissions probably until early August, with an eye to launching the second anthology at FenCon.

5,000 to 8,000 words, but length is negotiable.

It must be entertaining, all else is subordinate to this.

It has to involve Malta in some way.

It DOES NOT need to be about ghosts or knights — those are just the titles.

Submissions need to have your name on there somewhere. Please.

Submit stories to:
anthology.malta (at) (g)mail-dot-com

Of course, you should remove the parenthesis, the spaces, and the dashes in that address. (Spambots Must Die!)


We will be doing to the Official Book Launch for Ghosts of Malta at Tulkon — and the Launch Party is going to be fairly spectacular from what I’ve seen so far. If you can go, it looks to be a pretty good time.


Cover for 'Ghosts of Malta'

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