
Long term readers of The LawDog Files are familiar with my brother, “Chrisas the dead-pan foil in a lot of my stories.

At the infrequent blog-parties Herself takes me to, folks familiar with my stories often ask me why Chris doesn’t blog, and I reply that as introverted and anti-social as I am, Chris makes me look like a Beverly Hills socialite.

Well, no more!

Ladies, gentlemen and Gentle Readers, may I present:

Chris Ex Machina

Welcome to Blogworld, brother!


Do let me get this straight

9 thoughts on “Voila!”

  1. The links to Nigeria stories reminded me – where is that book of Africa stories you talked about a while back?

    Still interested in purchasing one (and recommending to everyone I know) should you decide to go through with it.

  2. Hey LawDog, it's Orion – you may recall me from comments dating back a long time. πŸ˜€

    Sorry to be sticking this in the comments but I don't have your e-mail addy…It surely will NOT hurt my feelings at all if you delete it upon reading it and deciding that it's not appropriate…

    I'm participating in a Firefighter's Stairclimb to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis on 26-September.

    Here's my post on it:

    I was wondering if I could beg, borrow, or hack your password and steal the space (Yah, right! LOL) to help me raise those funds?

    It should be a blast – I've participated in a few prior Stairclimbs
    (tougher ones – 69 flights vs this one's 40) in Seattle for Leukemia,
    but I wasn't as banged up then…(bad shoulder and knee from stupid
    minor injuries in Iraq…er…I mean COMBAT injuries! Yah! *coughs* swapping a transmission in a Chinook counts as combat, right? I mean, we're fighting the clock, right? right? No? Drat. LOL)

    Anyway, if you can float me a post to help drive a little traffic through the fundraising, I'd be very thankful!

    Jeff (Orion)

    PS: We were gonna ask the local constabulary to participate as well, but there's no Dunkin Donuts on the top floor. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› LOL! Forgive me! I had to!

  3. Dog,
    long-time fan.
    Can you please drop the truth-laid-bear link from your site. EVERY time that I check in, my browser hangs up waiting for his site. Last time it was more than three minutes on broadband just to see your latest post.


  4. Asocial I believe, anti-social not a chance. Written in the highest regards.

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