
Bloody hell.

Welcome to folks from Instapundit. Light and set; take a look around. 

I will state, gently, that this is my blog. I don’t mind a little robust debate, but if you show up just to call me everything but a child of God, I’ll shrug and turf you off.

Yeah, the new Blacklist feature is getting stress tested today.


Support starving authors!

11 thoughts on “Blink.”

  1. Thanks for putting your head up above the parapet.

    I’ll apologise if I’ve been a little “verbose” on another man’s blog. “Hyperfocus”…. it’s in my psych profile.


  2. I don’t know what some of those folks hate worse. Inconvenient facts that go against their theories, or proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  3. We went to war with SpaIn over the Maine blowing up in Havana Harbor. “Remember the Maine!” was the cry from the Hurst papers… when raised it was found her magazine blew from INSIDE, not a mine on the hull. Oops… your hydrate plug sounds logical. Is there a way to prove it, without Gazprom’s help?

  4. Not only an Instalaunch, there’s a link to here in the VIP subscription area of PJMedia.

    Congratulations, you’re skylined.

  5. “but if you show up just to call me everything but a child of God,,,,”

    Depending on the God, that could get interesting. (snark? ME??)

  6. While you’re here, newcomers, buy his sodding books!!!! They’re really good.

    …..Especially “Knights of Malta”, since I have a story in that one.

    (….Hey, I have a mortgage to pay. Don’t look at me like that. 😅)

  7. Hey Lawdog;

    ” but if you show up just to call me everything but a child of God, I’ll shrug and turf you off.”
    I see a bit of “Firefly” influence on you, LOL

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