Ok, looks like we’re back up.
Good lord.
Not perzackly sure yet, but the initial shufti seems to indicate that both Instalanches, plus PJMedia, plus American Thinker, plus HotAir, plus Legal Insurrection, plus DailyKOS, plus …
… apparently every Russian media outlet on the planet …
… smoke-checked the 250 Gigabyte data limit on my host.
I appreciate the enthusiasm for something I just threw together (apparently the DailyKOS writer wasn’t impressed with my writing style), but bloody damnation, guys.
Thankfully I have the absolute best Gentle Readers in the blogosphere, because they crowd-funded an upgrade with a quickness.
So. Looks like we’re back.
Glad to see you’re back up and running! Cheers to all those who chipped in on the upgrade!
Great to have you back Lawdog! I contributed but when you never came up right away, I couldn’t find another way to give a bit more….lol.
… and there was much Rejoicing!
Watch me do it again…
Glad to see you up and running again…
I haven’t seen much to suggest that you were wrong, either. I did get a chuckle from the yubtuber who argued that evidence of the pipe being blown outward, meant that saboteurs had cut through the pipe to insert the explosive charge …. Which must have taken some doing with gas escaping through any “cuts” at over 1000psi.
I think the biggest piece of proof that it was an accident is that Russia didn’t do anything in response to it.
Unlike that bridge that was destroyed. THAT got an immediate response.
Remember that with the Russians, it’s all about the politics.
Their reaction will be about what they want us to think and what they want their own people to think, not what they have actually done.
Maskirovka – deception- is an acknowledged part of Russian strategy. We can’t assume that they will react the way that we would.
Another interesting theory that cane from northern Europe, is that the Germans could have done it to head off potential internal opposition to the embargoes. I think that doubtful, on the grounds that we always have to assess the consequences if things go wrong. If any of the Western governments were caught doing this, they would suffer severely as a result.
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
As others have said above, glad to things operational again. Nice to be able to read the posts and search the archives again.
My little domain is hosted with Yahoo! (now Turbify for no apparent reason) and has *unlimited* bandwidth for less than $40 / quarter.
Just FYI
Welcome Home:
Things happen when you are proven right. Picture seem to prove that the “explosion” occurred within the pipeline, just as you thought.
Well Done!
Glad to see you back. Good on the Gentle Readers for the quick fix, too. Don’t fret none about the brief absence. Things are going to be okay.
Dear Law Dog:
Acording with the russian investigation , in the placement of one of the pipes there are two craters of 3 meters of profundity separated 150 meters and between them has dissapeared the pipe wich has flew in pieces to the surroundings of Its placement.
Could you say if this evidence matches with your hypothesis of accidental causes.
I think we have to keep in mind that that is from the Russian ‘investigation’. Any relation to the facts on the ground is likely to be coincidental.
IIRC, Ian has already cited a hydrate-plug explosion in a Russian pipeline which destroyed several hundred metres of pipeline… maybe a lot more. The near-instantaneous pressure-spike from such an incident is likely to open every point of relative weakness along a length of pipe, not just a single point.
Had a limpet-mine, shaped-charge, or similar demolition charge been deployed, we would expect single-point failures.
The “craters” are consistent with the scouring that is a familiar sight to anyone who has had anything to do with pressurised pipes leaking on or under the soil. You have millions of cubic metres of gas escaping from the broken ends of the pipe under very high pressure. The velocity of the gas and the rising bubbles entrain a lot of water, creating strong currents and erosion of sea-bed material is to be expected.
These are general principles. I can’t read Russian, so there may be specific points that I haven’t addressed.
You have yet to explain how the plug gets moving and crashes into … what? … or how the plug is pushed with enough pressure against an immovable object to the build enough pressure to rupture the pipe.
If two craters, how does the plug hypothesis explains?
And no laboratory “in a vacuum” setups that do not match the actual conditions.
He did explain how it got moving: Pressure Differential.
As for what it ‘crashed’ into, pipe bends were one of the things mentioned. I believe there may have been others, but I don’t recall them off hand.
Pressure differential gets it moving — and how did the pressure differential occur? The plug crashed against what?
Have doubts about Russia’s investigation? Have Sweden release theirs.
I accepted the plug hypothesis as a possibility.
Not any more.
It has been explained at some length.
If you must argue, please have the courtesy to read the previous threads.
The following link will inform you as to what. The why? is a matter of speculation.
Pressure differential occurs if depressurisation is not carried out evenly FROM BOTH ENDS. If there are multiple plugs, then I’m not sure that it could be avoided even then.
The hypothesis involves pressure from the political classes who know little or nothing about gas pipelines, applied to engineers who are just a little too accustomed to doing what the hell they are told…. and enough vodka to over-rule normal caution.
I have read the posts and disagree with your posted setup.
Are/were there bends in the pipeline as you diagrammed, for example?
BTW, I am grateful for your introducing of this topic.
If for nothing else that DailyKos referenced your blog. LOL.
Many thanks !
Please consider posting a mailing address for donations. In this day and age there is a lot of concern about online payment platforms.
You’ll find that in one of the North Texas Troublemaker groups – for good reasons, here on the blog is not a wise idea.
And now the Swedes say they found explosives residue on the pipeline. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/sweden-finds-foreign-objects-explosive-residue-nord-stream-pipelines
I suspect simple shaped charges to breach the pipeline and cladding, just enough to ruin integrity and enable explosive decompression. Do you think angry putty would be called for, or would a small EFP to cause the initial breach be enough?
Interesting vid clip on the hacking of marine traffic systems. Shows how careful we need to be in accepting information as “solid”.
Cheers all….
OT, but I had to whitelist this site with MalwareBytes, which alleged riskware of some sort.