Rising Tide Week: Three Ravens Publishing

I have a fondness for today’s NextGen Publisher.

Hillbilly — also known as William Joseph Roberts — of Three Ravens Publishing was the first publisher to treat me like a peer, shake my hand, and simply say, “If you need something, let me know.” No caveats, no conditions, no limits. Just, “How can I help?”

As you can figure, Hillbilly is a genuine salt-of-the-earth guy, and quite honestly Rita and I count him and Word Witch as dear friends. He is also a veteran — again, recurring theme, right?

Three Ravens Publishing is probably best known for their It Came From The Trailer Park anthologies, and their work in Steve Jackson’s Car Wars IP, but they publish some horror, some Mil Sci-Fi, a little Fantasy, a little Science Fiction, and some work from the legendary Robert Silverberg.

A little bit of everything, really.

You’ll find Three Ravens Publishing all across social media, but in the vein of: “Don’t Let Ian Touch The Tech!*” I keep hearing, we’ll restrict the list to the ones I’m familiar with:
And apparently something called a “Discord Server”. Damfino, y’all will have to figure that one out**.

Three Ravens has been having some Life Issues pop up and huck some Big Ol’ Pocking Wrenches into things, but I have faith that they’ll come out just fine.

Go tell five friends who don’t know them about Three Ravens, say, “Hi!” on their social, and go browse their back-list. They’ve got good stuff.

(Cross-posted on the Raconteur Press Substack.)

*Computer and internet stuff is just magic. If people would let me hit it harder, pretty sure the spirits would straighten up and start acting right.

**People think I’m joking when I refer to the “Magic Elf Box” and “Sacrificing a bucket of KFC” to fix it. I’m not.

Rising Tide Week: Tuscany Bay Books
Rising Tide Week: Cannon Publishing