Someone took one of my most popular posts and illustrated it!
I’ll just be sitting over here feling a wee bit smug.
Someone took one of my most popular posts and illustrated it!
I’ll just be sitting over here feling a wee bit smug.
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That is @$@(*% OUTSTANDING! 🙂 Now if the idjits on the left could READ, they'd understand what they are trying to do!!!
I was hoping for an illustration of "The Gorilla Suit Incident", but this is pretty outstanding too.
Smug away Lawdog, you've earned it.
And well you should be.
Hey, that made it over to one of my FB groups!! Very awesome! I saw "LawDog.. wait.. that sounds familiar.." Way to go!!
I, too, was hoping for an illustration of the Pink Gorilla Suit, but ANY illustrated LawDog is great! Freaking AWESOME, Dawg! Congrats!
LOVE this!! Congrats!! Shared on FB.
Dare we hope for a graphic novel version of The Lawdog Files?
The Pink Gorilla.
The Shooting of St. Nick.
The Nigerian Space Program.
Illustrate all the stories!
The Pink Simian was my first thought, too.
Somehow in the original post I missed the part about the "anime eyes". But that's okay, because it is much, much better when illustrated! Maybe the pictures will help the non-readers out there get the point… but I'm not holding my breath (sadly).
Somehow in the original post I missed the part about the "anime eyes". But that's okay, because it is much, much better when illustrated! Maybe the pictures will help the non-readers out there get the point… but I'm not holding my breath (sadly).
Congrats! You have earned this one! this is one of the best and easiest ways to explain this, glad it is getting the recognition.
I'm proud of you! They did do a good job with the comic adaption.
Revel in the smug
Kewl, but ….
… in order to feel RIGHTEOUSLY smug, you must blog more frequently than do I.
And I do not blog frequently. Only when I have something to say, and when I am "in the mood".
The smug is strong with this one.
Outstanding! I was reading it and thinking, "Oh they had better give LawDog credit for this…", and much to my surprise, they did. I was expecting another Major Caudill type thing.
They still won't get it because they don't understand that it's YOUR cake. You should have to share your cake. Their mentality is entirely one of collectivism, not individuality.
It's roughly as retarded in picture form as it was in pure text, so I don't really see what's to feel smug about other than the attention
You should feel smug. That's fan-freaking-tastic, man.
And Nonny Mouse above can go have relations with a chainsaw.
They'd understand better if the right in question was the sainted First Amendment, and there were something to point to so that they could recognize the trimming of the rights they claim to respect above all others.
Windy: Judging from their love of political correctness and the preponderance of "hate crimes" (because aren't all violent crimes motivated by hate in some form?), I don't think that they truly value the 1st either. I think that they just like the idea of it as it applies to what they want to say.
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So small, I can't see it.