While I’ve got a lot of attention, I’d like to ask a favour:
Some time back Cedar Sanderson engaged in a project that was near and dear to her heart — an anthology about PTSD. She wanted this one to be different, and it is.
It is a collection of stories about hope.
Sadly, hope is something that is missing in a lot of PTSD-related stuff; and she — all the authors — wanted stories that would show those suffering from PTSD that there is a light at the end of the tunnel; and to give those with loved ones with PTSD some small insight into what their loved ones were going through.
She gently noodged me for a story, and I finally submitted one. It is the last one in the book, and I haven’t read it since I finished the last sentence, and emailed it in.
Anyway, I figure that as long as folks are noticing me, I might as well do something with that notice. Please consider buying this book; or pointing it towards someone who might need this book.
Several of the authors are donating any royalties from its sale to PTSD charities, so there’s that, also.
Thank you.
Just saying, I bought the book, and LawDog’s story was worth the price of the book. More, in fact.
I forgot that I had already purchased it, until I clicked the Amazon link.
I support the cause. I also have a difficult time confronting my own PTSD (unrelated to my military service), let alone discussing the topic with my friends and family who did see military combat.
When I retired from the business of keeping people inside fences against their will, I knew it would take some time to decompress and adjust to life in more polite company.
I didn’t get much time. Barely three months after I retired, one of my sons committed suicide at the age of 19. Over the next 17 months, I lost five friends or former coworkers to the same fate (all veterans), and then we lost our first and only grandchild to stillbirth at full term, just 23 months after her uncle chose to leave us.
Maybe I’ll go back and revisit the Kindle download that I purchased. Maybe I’ll buy print editions for those who need them.
Maybe I’ll have another beer, and push the bad stuff down to a lower level, again.
I have the book, and reread your contribution .
My reaction while reading it was “How the…. can I help?”
It’s a damned fine story.
Even if you do not have a family member with PTSD, you should read it. There are many folks suffering out there that need our understanding and compassion.
Perhaps I’m missing the link but what is the title of Cedar Sanderson’s book? I’d like to purchase it.
It didn’t show up in the post? Bloody hell.
Let’s try this way:
Can’t Go Home Again https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MB9CNNY/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_Z76N1X2J6RPPGZ70FQ1A