Elder Mom of the Apocalypse here….
A while back my friend LawDog did a little creative scribble on his FB page about Malta…and it exploded with “MORE!” in the comments. More stories, a novel, an ANTHOLOGY!! He then made the mistake of having lunch with me and saying that no one would want to write stories for a Malta Anthology. I suggested he might be wrong ’bout that.
And one year ago today? Ghosts of Malta went LIVE, with editing by another MOTA, Kortnee Bryant, full of wonderful stories by a great bunch of authors.
After that success, a scrappy little upstart Press was born, and has been giving space to a bunch of talented new authors and a great community of friends.
Thank you, all of you, for supporting this crazy wild ride. 

A year already!?! No way. *trots off to look at calendar and copyright date*
Way. Ye doggies, I don’t want to believe it.
Congratulations on your first year in business!
Speaking of Malta anthologies, I haven’t heard anything about whether or not my story was accepted for ‘Falcons of Malta’. How is that coming along?
Update – Got the email today, and the signed contract should be in your inbox now.
Yep, I remember that discussion… LOL Congrats to all!