I may have mentioned this before, but I read your stories to my Lady-Wife almost every evening after supper (interspersed with some Thurber, Kipling, Durrell Corfu stories, and similar), and they cheer her up enormously. We have bought copies of each edition as they were announced, and given a few as presents.
Still waiting to read the story (stories?) about the uplifted Bison. But in your own good time.
Now, that’s silly, and I can’t wait to read it!!
I may have mentioned this before, but I read your stories to my Lady-Wife almost every evening after supper (interspersed with some Thurber, Kipling, Durrell Corfu stories, and similar), and they cheer her up enormously. We have bought copies of each edition as they were announced, and given a few as presents.
Still waiting to read the story (stories?) about the uplifted Bison. But in your own good time.
Thank you.