As part of the whimsy that Raconteur Press is becoming known for, we’re posting personalities on the Substack.
Intern Steve, Farnsworth the Chief Copy EditOrc, and others yet to appear.
The most popular to date has been Bitsy. Holy gods, the interaction on that one has been awe-inspiring.
Someone asked me after the Bitsy post went up why Raconteur Press was so “whimsical”. I think he actually meant “silly”, but he was trying to be polite. Publishing is Srs Bizness!
Well, yes it is. I need to be able to start paying my staff salaries and benefits sometime this decade, and that is about as serious as things get.
However, we currently live in a time (and age) of pretty significant social, political, and world upheaval; things that directly affect people are in a state of flux, and it’s extremely hard to see what comes next.
People want — people need – diversion. They need entertainment. they need to be able to check-out of the current reality — for however long — to a place where things make sense. Where you can have a stress-relieving chuckle; read a story where the good guys win, the bad guys lose, and the hero rides off into the sunset with the girl.
You know — the things we can’t guarantee right now. Never could, truth be told, but damned sure not right now.
So. Whimsy it is.
It was delightful. More, please.
Hey, MHI has Melvin, so…
In the words of Adam Savage “I reject your reality and substitute my own!”